Nyathuon Gweno – Permaculture Project recruiting volunteers in Kenya

permaculture, organic farm, africa, kenya, sustainable agriculture, hospitality exchange, volunteer program, workaway

Learn about Permaculture in Africa

The main purpose of Nyathuon Gweno project is to provide a space for people to work, engage through

  • organic sustainable farming
  • permaculture skills
  • methods for individual, families, and people to learn, teach and experience in a variety of sustainable and self-sufficient living skills on Organic Sustainable Farming and Permaculture Techniques
  • skills to help others who can’t help themselves prosper through organic and Permaculture knowledge profit-sharing,

in a community that provides a more wholesome and earth-friendly alternative lifestyle.

Our goals are to:
  • assist and encourage the application of these skills and ideas in our surrounding community and amongst our neighbours.
  • establish a network of these (similar/like_minded) communities/across the country and beyond, which function as a way_stastion for people in community as well as hubs of learning and empowerment for a sustainable future.
  • be fun and family-friendly, while adhering to a positive work ethic that acknowledges the value of our neighbours and our community as a whole.
  • be inclusive fair and efficient as possible while keeping a productive pace.
  • hold ourselves to a high standards therefore setting a good example as a community based organization in Kenya that deals with the farming program activities that’s have a focusing technical, socially and economically through identification and utilization of available resources for community household benefits through poverty and illiteracy eradication, environmentally management of Permaculture and organic farming, education of the disadvantage orphans children’s through vocational skills transferred

We are situated in Nyathuon Gweno community Permaculture project village home bay county in the Eastern part of lake Victoria.

What type of host are you?
What are you looking for help with?
What’s the mission of your community?

We want to change our community area with enough food security at home and we will uplift some widows orphans and widowers and again we just teach them how to grow their own food at their homes.

How many volunteers could you host?

More than two

When would you need volunteers? Here we need to volunteer anytime here at Nyathuon Gweno Community Permaculture project farm Kenya homa-bay county.

How many hours of help per day?

4-5 hours of help per day

How many days of help per week?

5 days per week – 2 days off

Note about the volunteer work and other expectations

Other experiences: we will do yoga practice here at Nyathuon Gweno community area with our children.

Are accommodation and food included?

Yes, we offer food and accommodation

What type of accommodation can you provide?
  • Private Room
Diet – nutrition information

Here we are mainly vegetarians and sometimes we eat eggs/ meats/ and other foods diets.

Fees transparency

No fees, though donation might be welcomed.


We can help with Visa/invitation letters

Volunteers’ benefits

Yes, the volunteers will learn more about Sustainable Organic farming and permaculture design work skills knowledge and techniques, they will like to go and start teaching other farmers here around the world ๐ŸŒ.

What to do in the free time

We will have free time to go and look at some wildlife in the game pack.


English/ Kiswahili/ LUO language.

How to get to your site

You can find me on the FB page site or you can look on the map. Type Kenya, Homa-bay county/ Ohero shopping centre and there at Ohero shopping centre I’m within at Ohero shopping centre area.

Is there internet access?




This is our email address ๐Ÿ‘‰ nyathuongweno1998@gmail.com

Facebook page: Nyathuon Gweno page

Our postcode, 40303 Rangwe Kenya and our postal address, p.o.box262 Homa-bay Kenya.

This is our WhatsApp number: +254729597873. Another number: +254712373541

Hostname: Nyathuon Gweno community Permaculture project farm Kenya homabay county.

More volunteering opportunities in Kenya
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Author: Voluntouring staff

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