What actions can you take now to help?

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What can I do to help now? โ€“ Even though we aren’t allowed to travel and volunteer around the world, we can still help both locally and globally. Here are some ways of what you can do to support communities near and far.

1. Donate to hospitals and health care workers.

Hospitals are facing a shortage of crucial resources to properly combat COVID-19. These organizations are helping healthcare workers stay safe on the front lines.
Direct relief organization specializes in providing personal protective equipment (PPE) and medical supplies to health care workers.

The International Medical Corps is partnering with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide equipment, training, treatment services in over 30 countries for the pandemic.

covid-19 volunteer

2. If you can’t donate money, donate your resources & time!

There is a national-wide blood shortage. Visit your local blood bank website or Redcross website in your country to make an appointment.

3. What else can you do? Support small businesses!

If you’re looking to help now, explore the options where you live, from donations to volunteer work to keep businesses afloat and ensure a speedy recovery. Check-in with your neighbors. If any of your neighbors are elderly or quarantined and unable to go to the grocery, offer to do their shopping or run other errands for them. (Be sure to arrange for a contact-free pick-up and delivery). Healthcare workers are working overtime at the moment, and could likely use the help, too.

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Author: Daria

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