Be part of the rural empowerment in Maharashtra, India

volunteering, volunteer, India, women empowerment, rural, voluntouring, food and accommodation, free exchange, voluntourism, volunteers, meal
Rural India – This is a great opportunity to promote and be part of a farmer movement which is working for 50 years for the rural empowerment in India!
You will be promoting women empowerment project, girls education project, ecological project etc.
We are seeking international volunteers to :
  1. Film/making: realize small communication films on local development projects. These project take place in village of Maharashtra in India.
  2. Design communication by creating posters, presentation etc.
In addition to the work experience, the volunteer will experience the day to day life of villagers, he will also get experiental understanding of rural areas.
More information
VCDM is a citizen movement in rural India which facilitates the development projects in the villages of Maharashtra state in India. VCDM aims to support the inhabitants to identify their problems and collectively build projects to improve their daily life. In order for each project to respond to the specificities of each village the association relies on inhabitant social workers called animators”, who themselves are villagers and share the same problems and environment of the common villager. They are trained to facilitate development projects in the villages.
Examples :
  • Creation of a water management mechanism to counter and correct the soil erosion and reduction of water levels in wells and rivers.
  • Access to the village governance for the people from the socio economically challenged backgrounds in the villages.
  • Tailoring skill development training for the rural women in order to facilitate financial independence.
The profil of the applicant
  • Flexible, adaptable person
  • Person with sense of initiative
  • Curious person
  • Socially minded person
  • Experience in communication videos is prefered
  • Working understanding of spoken and written english is necessary
  • Working knowledge of communication softwares such as photoshop, indesign etc is a plus point.
The conditions of the volunteership
  • No financial remuneration
  • The volunteer will get food and accommodation in Pune. He will also stay overnight and have meals in villages during the shooting and visits.
  • The volunteer will be accompanied in the village by a local personne who is speaking English and Marathi, i.e. the local language.
  • Mission will last for 2 months from April to May 2020. The dates are flexible.
So you’re welcome to be part in our family
To know more about the volunteership, check the CONTACT DETAILS section, to get in touch with us. ๐Ÿ™Thank you ๐Ÿ™
olunteering, volunteer, India, women empowerment, rural, voluntouring, food and accommodation, free exchange, voluntourism, volunteers, meal


Please apply before 31st January 2020, send your cover letter and CV in english to

To know more about VCDM:

Don’t hesitate to contact me on Facebook.

Author: Voluntouring staff

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