RURAL IS PLURAL 2019 : Looking for a volunteer
Hello, my name is Zoe. We are hosting a Project in Medinacelli, Spain, starting the 1st of June (till last week of September). Reflexions and activities about rural development and sustainable ways of living.
Little update:
One of our hungarian volunteers just fall off of the project. Could you help us finding a new hungarian volunteer please?
Genaral information (description and infokit).
The project that you’re going to join takes place in the center of Spain, in the province of Soria, between the city of Medinaceli and Arbujuelo, were you’re going to live. We started to work in the valley of Arbujuelo around 7 years ago to implement a rural development project with the inhabitants.
As many rural area, the valley of Arbujuelo is dealing with a high rate of depopulation and offers less social and economics opportunities, especially to young people. Our aim is to propose new environmental friendly ideas for the territory, and to move young energies to bring more innovations and enthusiasm to the locals, and to give them the will and the tools to impact by themselves the socioeconomic contest.
About the place
Medinaceli is a village of 800 inhabitants, including a lot of hamlets such as Arbujuelo, Estacion, Conquezuela and Salinas…
The geography of the place is remarkable: the mountains and the valleys draw a contrasted landscapeof sharpness and sweetness. The climate is very strong and dry, however there is a permanent source in Arbujuelo, coming from the mountain and creating a local oasis. This is why the village is greener and more forested than the rest of the area.
Our activities
Our aim is to empower people to develop their own socio and economic projects and improve their personal development in the countryside.
Sustainable Farming
We cultivate two vegeatble gardens with an agroecological approach associated with local and traditional techniques. Moreover, we have a shared chicken house. As the potencial of the lands around is absolutely huge, we also have a lot of agroecological dreams such as beehives, grapes and wine, truffles, links with local restaurant..
Education training and trasmission of knowledge
As we are convinced that this territory is full of spleeping energies, we aim to spread this vision, to make people talk with each other, to bring new life and to keep the local knowledge alive. That’s why we wil organize workshops, space for debates about contemporary issues, dinamics of non-formal education and some visits to other projects and events.
You are going to share a house in Arbujuelo where the volunteers will have his/her own bedroom and a common kitchen.
You will have access to internet. We will be in a safe and comfortable place.
The pocket money
You will receive every month 150 euro as your pocket money. This money is for your personal needs and if you need more cash there are distributors of notes in Estacion and in Medinaceli.
We promote the production and consumption of local and ecological foods, thus promoting the Food Sovereignty of our peoples. Our vegetable garden will produce lots of vegeatble, depending on our care, and chickens will provide us with eggs very often, also depending on our care of them.. However nearby Arbujuelo, in Estacion, you can find some small supermarkets with common meals.
In the local area: To make activities we will move by car and we will provide you bicycles to give you more independence to move around (Arbujuelo-eEstacion is half an hour of cycling).
In Spain: Medinaceli is very well located in terms of transports facilities. There are 4 buses per day to Madrid for around 10โฌ (very enjoyable) and 1 bus per day to Barcelona for around 25โฌ.
You will have the possibility to make on-line courses of Spanish after a test of language level. We all speak English and spanish but encourage you to try as much as possible to practice Spanish.
We will give priority to Hungarian people, for a project starting the first week of june until the end of september in a little village in central Spain.
All costs are covered.
If you are interested, send your cv and a motivational letter as soon as possible to:
Thank you so much for your help.
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