Update: 10/02/2020
Sea Shepherd volunteer project – If you are a qualified mate with 2 years experience in the bridge and want to do something meaningful for our oceans, then this is for you. We are looking to fill a couple of places with bridge crew who hold a minimum of a Yachtmaster (or equivalent), have a positive mindset and who are not afraid of a challenge. This position is for three months on board.
Mission –ย Sea Shepherd Conservation Society
Established in 1977, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society (SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the worldโs oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species.
Sea Shepherd uses innovative direct-action tactics to investigate, document, and take action when necessary to expose and confront illegal activities on the high seas. By safeguarding the biodiversity of our delicately balanced ocean ecosystems, Sea Shepherd works to ensure their survival for future generations.
Please note, this is a volunteer position.
This page is for those interested in crewing with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. You can find upcoming crew opportunities, information about positions, and frequently asked questions.
General Information – How many ships are in the Sea Shepherd USA Fleet?
We have five ships in our conservation fleet, The M/V Farley Mowat, the M/V John Paul DeJoria, The M/V Sharpie, the R/V Martin Sheen, the M/V White Holly and the M/V Brigitte Bardot.
What are the ships like?
The Farley Mowat, John Paul DeJoria and Sharpie are motor vessels which are approximately 34m in length. The White Holly is the latest addition to the fleet. The Ship is 44m. The Martin Sheen is our only sailing vessel. The Brigitte Bardot is our fast interceptor vessel.
Where are the ships located?
Our ships can most often be found in ports and surrounding oceans of the United States, Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, but we donโt necessarily have any geographical restrictions.
What about the other Sea Shepherd ships?
It is not clear from the outside, but Sea Shepherd is split into two entities as far as ships and crew are concerned. Sea Shepherd Global/Australia runs the Steve Irwin, Bob Barker, Sam Simon and Ocean Warrior. The application process is separate but identical. Please make sure you are applying to the entity which operates the ships or geographical area that interests you the most. You can also apply to both. See Applying For Crew to find out how to submit your crewing application.
What campaigns are happening?
You will find information on all of our current and past campaigns from the Campaigns drop-down menu on the home-page of our website (see contact details section below). We donโt necessarily announce future campaign plans for various reasons. If you are selected to volunteer, you may spend a significant amount of time onboard helping to prepare the ship for a campaign. Most often volunteers earn their place on board before joining an actual campaign, however, it is sometimes possible to directly join a campaign whilst in progress.
How often are the ships on campaign?
We aim to have our ships as active as possible, but a lot of work goes into campaign planning and ship preparation. And, of course, having ships actively on campaign requires a lot of support so sometimes our ability to start a campaign is restricted to raising the required funds.
Can I apply for a specific campaign?
No, not necessarily. But, you can make a note on your application regarding your interests and skills but if you are selected to volunteer, we would expect you to join the ship where you are needed most.
Can I do an internship, work experience or school training placement through Sea Shepherd?
Unfortunately, we are rarely able to accommodate such requests. Most schools or work placements have set start and end dates and also require reporting based on your experiences. We do not have a strict timeline for campaigns and plans can change unexpectedly. It is recommended to apply as a volunteer when you are free and able to commit and focus only on being a crew member.
How many crew on are each ship?
The number of crew on board at any one time varies and is also dependent on the ship. But, you can expect to join anywhere from 5 to 18 other individuals.
What to consider before applying: – What is the minimum time commitment for volunteering at sea?
We ask that you commit a very minimum of two months for volunteering at sea. It takes some to train new crew members and have them adjust to living on board. As you can imagine, changing crew too frequently can be disruptive to the overall mission. Ideally, we like to have new crew members join for three months.
Do I have to pay for my own airfares and other travel expenses?
Yes. You will need enough funds to get yourself to and from any port in the world. When you are on board we provide you with a place to sleep and 3 vegan meals a day plus snacks โ all you need! Anything beyond that (extra food you personally want, entertainment, phone calls) is your responsibility. The crew accommodations are tight, you will be sharing a cabin with anywhere from one to seven other people! You will get to know your teammates well!
Do I need a US Visa?
It is possible you will need to acquire an appropriate visa. If you are joining a ship in a US port and are not a US citizen, you will most likely be required to obtain a B1/B2 Visa. Sometimes crew members are asked to join a ship operating in another country where visas may not be needed or are easier to obtain.
Can I apply for specific dates?
You can specify on your application a date range or โopen availabilityโ. When a position becomes available, we search for crew available during that time period. The larger your window of availability, the more likely an opportunity will come up in that time frame. When we have a suitable space available, you may be contacted you for an interview.
Can I apply for a specific role?
Not necessarily. When we are looking to fill a volunteer position, we search for crew members with a specific skill set. We do our best to utilize your skills and place you in the most appropriate position on board. For example, if you are a chef, itโs unlikely we will ask you to work in our engineering department. We canโt necessarily take your personal preferences into account all of the time. Weโll put you in a position on the ship where you will most benefit Sea Shepherd.
What if I have no previous seafaring experience?
Sea Shepherd accepts volunteers with all sorts of backgrounds. In fact, many of our volunteers have never worked on a ship before joining us! They learn everything they need to from veteran crew, professional mariners and those with specialized skills.
Applying for crew: how do I apply to become a crew member?
The first step in becoming a Sea Shepherd USA crew member at sea is to fill out a crew application form. Once you have completed the application, you will be considered for crewing opportunities on our US based ships.
How do I pay the application fee?
Once the application form is submitted, you will be redirected to a payment page where the fee can pay with paypal.
Why is there an application fee to crew?
In the early days, crew application fees were what helped us put fuel in the ship tanks for campaigns! Due to the manpower and time required to process applications, this fee helps us effectively recruit new crew members into service. Furthermore, as all volunteers must arrange and pay for their own travel expenses to and from the ship, if the application fee is too difficult to make, the travel expenses may be even more so. This further aids us in keeping the non-serious applicants away.
Will it be refunded if I am not selected for crew?
It is a non-refundable, one-time donation and hopefully, one you feel is going toward a worthy cause.
Is there a maximum time I can stay on board?
For new volunteers, we normally donโt commit to allowing any service for longer than 3 or 4 months. If things are progressing well, which is typically evident quite quickly, you are welcome to ask your department head, ship manager, or captain if you may extend your stay. We do appreciate it when people can stay longer and continue to use the skills they have learned! We always reserve the right to ask people to leave at any time if things arenโt working out.
How do I apply for the other Sea Shepherd Global ships?
The first step in becoming a Sea Shepherd Global/Australia crew member at sea is to fill out a crew application form. There is a link to the form located near the bottom of our crewing page (see contact details section below)
What are the qualities you are looking for in crew?
We love to receive applications from passionate individuals willing to work hard and take on any responsibility on board to contribute to the campaigns. The more flexible you are on time, the more likely we will have a position become available that you may be suited for. Seafaring skills are definitely an asset but not essential, your ability to be committed, hard-working and get along with others means a lot to us as well! We are always looking for qualified experienced Captains, Officers, Bosuns, Engineers and vegan Cooks to join our team.
Does everyone eventually get selected?
Unfortunately not.
We would love to be able to select all applicants but we receive more applications than there are positions onboard to be filled. The selection process is therefore somewhat competitive. If you are selected to join the crew we will send you a welcome package containing all the information you will need to know including ship and crewing policies. If you are selected to join the crew we will communicate individually with you to provide instructions and further information regarding your travel. There’s a possibility that you’ll receive very little notice to join the ship. The crewing needs on our vessels change quickly, so be prepared to pack your bags and be ready to go in a week or less!
What is the work schedule like?
As you can imagine, while you are at sea, the crew work 7 days per week with no time off.
In port, crew work 5 and a half days a week.
What about Internet, Email and Phone calls while on board?
Most of the ships in our fleet have some form of satellite connection on board that allows for crew to email occasionally. Normally, due to bandwidth and security concerns, all crew on board share a communal email address that is checked by the communications officer for any campaign-sensitive information. Sometimes this email privilege is taken away temporarily during critical points in a campaign. In port, we typically try to find a local Internet connection, which may be available to the crew. Phone calls can be made with our satellite phones at the discretion of the captain and communications officer, but the crew are responsible for the costs their calls incur (normally about $1/minute). Your Captain will let you know the best way for your family to reach you while onboard. Each ship is different.
Will I get arrested?
It is unlikely. We operate a professional organization and work in cooperation with governments and maritime enforcement agencies around the world. However, you need to understand that participating in any Sea Shepherd campaign carries with it some risk of arrest, fines or other consequences.
Are there any other policies and procedures I should know about before applying?
Sea Shepherd maintains a zero-tolerance policy to drugs and drunkenness and anybody in violation of this policy will be removed from the ships immediately. No smoking is allowed on the ship. The ship is not a democracy; you will be expected to follow the chain of command. Any dangerous, disrespectful or insubordinate behaviour will result in a crew member being asked to leave.
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Crewing at sea application ๐
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What is the Sea Shepherd?
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