Charity projects abroad โ This page contains a list of charities that are actively looking for volunteers from all over the world. When you see an interesting announcement, click on the relative image to read the project description. If you want to get in touch with the hosts, look for the CONTACT DETAILS section, which is usually located at the end of the announcement.
Some listings might be outdated. Check the dates of the announcement, and in case of doubt contact the hosts and ask them if the opportunity is still available.
The volunteer charity exchange
The usual deal is that the volunteers get to have free food and accommodation in exchange for their volunteering activities. More rarely, also transportation and VISA are covered. However, in some developing countries,ย organizations may not have a budget to cover the volunteers’ expenses. In this case, the volunteers will have to cover for their trips.
If you are only volunteering for a couple of weeks/1 month it is recommendable to daily/weekly donate a contribution fee to the charity project. This can be of great help! Always make sure your money will serve a good cause.
Get as much information as possible about the charity/NGO before applying as a volunteer.
Charity projects around the world