Volunteer at Finca Mono Verde in Ecuador

volunteer project, Ecuador, program, abroad, volunteering , voluntouring, voluntourism, community, team, cob building, reed, eco-building, bamboo

Experience a farm community lifestyle in a tropical environment

Volunteer opportunity in Ecuador โ€“ We have this vision which sharing with people from all over the world knowledge, experiences and friendship is the way to make a difference. Farming, gardening, canning foods or preparing meals together are excuses to connect and learn from each other. The farm has a main focus on coffee production and passion fruit. the kitchen garden is always a work in progress with various species for the house concoctions. We have fruit depending on season (mango, oranges, lime, jackfruit) plantain and yucca roots are also available as part of our diet as well as leaves from the wild.

Gardening and agriculture, some building and repairs in the farm. We are associated with a farmers coop and we held workshops about organic farming and coffee production. There is also a good amount of time working with youth from the community and helping them with school, languages, art and sports.



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We can offer good experiencias and a true local community immersion due to our close relationship with a farmers cooperative named AGROTABUGA. With the farmers’ coop, there are plenty of chances of giving a hand either in coffee processing (harvesting, drying, roasting or simply drinking coffee) and for sure the Mono Verde Team will attend any calls.

We are well experienced in community support as well as agroforestry and coffee. Quite often, a neighbour or two require a hand with a specific task to be ready to jump into action.


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About the farm

Finca Mono Verde is a tropical learning and experimentation farm located in coastal Ecuador. The unique environmental, cultural and agricultural characteristics of the area make it an ideal place for experimenting with new ideas, reviving local traditions and creating an international learning centre that supports a stronger and healthier community. We invite you to be part of Finca Mono Verde through volunteerism, a custom internship, research, knowledge sharing or by making a donation.

Do you charge volunteers a daily or weekly fee?

No, we offer free food and accommodation

How many hours of volunteering help will you expect per week?

about 30 hours

Type of accommodation:

Basic but comfortable. rooms for a maximum of two people at the time. shared kitchen, the main house is a lovely two-story bamboo house. Composting toilets, and safe water.


We can provide three meals a day (Mon -Fri). Diet is basic, mostly vegetarian, based on local produce. we have regular fish and the occasional chicken raised in the farm.
Generally speaking, most of our visitors spend their weekends exploring around or going to the beach.


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Email: vicko@fincamonoverde.com
Volunteer opportunity in Ecuador โ€“ Website and social media

Web: http://www.fincamonoverde.com/
Facebook: @FincaMonoVerde
Instagram: greenmonkeyfarm
Twitter: @GreenMonkeyFarm
Linkedin: Finca Mono Verde


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See more volunteering opportunities in Ecuador

Go to the Organic Farm section

Author: Voluntouring staff

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