Teach English online for a couple of hours per week!
Teach English online as a volunteer in these days of quarantine. The following organization is looking for English speakers to help with conversations and English lessons for a minimum of one hour per week. Would you like to help?
We are looking for enthusiastic speakers who can spend time 1 hour/month (or upon a convenient time) contributing to the project by having video talks with Vietnamese students.
- We believe every your sharing is a happy time both for Vietnamese Youth and yourself as well.
- Through this project, you also know the studious spirit of Vietnamese students and understand more about Vietnam, a peaceful country.
- You also will have many students across the country that they always welcome you to visit Vietnam one day. And of course, we are always willing to help you explore Vietnam and speak English with students nationwide.
A social project to improve English Skill for Vietnamese Students
English Speaking Volunteers is an activity of The iGen Social Project that aims to help 1 million Vietnamese students get more confident in English. Now we are looking for enthusiastic speakers who can spend time 1 hour/month (or upon a convenient time) contributing to the project by having talks with Vietnamese students.
Our project is supported by The University of Economics and Law (Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh city) and organized by The iGen Social Enterprise.
TOPICS: any about culture, politics, cuisine, transportation, education, sports, art … of the speaker’s country.
- In each session, speakers will talk about one topic of their country. For example, this week they talk about culture, next week talk about food
- Before joining class, students will prepare about the cultures of other countries for group discussions
- The number of students in each class is around 10.
- When the speaker finishes talking about his/her country, then join student teams to discuss.
- The speaker registers a convenience time
- Students access the website and register to participate in sessions wich appropriate to the time & favourite topics.
- We believe every your sharing is a happy time both for Vietnamese Youth and yourself as well.
- Through this project, you also know the studious spirit of Vietnamese students and understand more about Vietnam, a peaceful country.
- You also will have many students across the country that they always welcome you to visit Vietnam one day. And of course, we are always willing to help you explore Vietnam and speak English with students nationwide.
- ย We hereby confirm that we do a best-effort to keep your privacy and do not disclose your information to any third party without your condense.
- iGen is a social enterprise with a mission to help 1 million Vietnamese students be confident in English. iGen stands for Intelligent Generation.
- iGen provides English courses and collects tuition fees for operating expenses. iGen commits to contribute 51% of its revenue to the Scholarship Fund to help students nationwide.
- In this program, students don’t have to pay any fees. iGen sponsors system, server, staff, and other operation costs… The University of Economics and Law contributes its facilities, staff for the implementation.
For more information, please take a quick look at this link: https://bit.ly/2X9GGWa
Application Link: https://forms.gle/etaAN8vteZCxpp8DA
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/IGENteam/
Click here for more volunteer ONLINE opportunities
Also, see, Teach English abroad – section.