Permaculture, vegan, food forest and animal sanctuary opportunities

- Orphans
- Permaculture
- Vegan education
- Food Forest
- Animals Sanctuary.
In the above project we help orphan children and vulnerable children give them a place to call home, give them love as itโs the most important aspect we consider and expect from every volunteer.
I live with 14 poor orphan children both girls and boys all below the age of 14 years and hoping to have more 20 street kids and give them a place to live soon, two caretakers (women), and a 31-year-old man who helps mostly with gardening activities.
We started up a free community learning permaculture demonstration garden and the free community garden share food program whereby the less fortune come together, grow organic foods and then share the harvest and also save some seeds for the next growing season in our community seed bank (seeds room). We also try to teach Vegan programs as a way of inspiring people to depend on plant-based foods rather than animal products and also saving some animals lives. However, this project doesnโt leave out the non โ vegans from volunteering nor being part of this project because we all belong to the same human umbrella and respect everyoneโs decision for life.
The main project has two sub-projects as stated below.
Through the above project, we have several activities like Free Medical care to the community whereby we built part of a free community clinic however itโs not fully finished and volunteer work inform of construction to fully finish the buildings is highly needed and also the volunteers with Medical care skills are highly appreciated as we two teams, one working at the clinic centre and the outreach program volunteers. We also:
- help to provide foods and proper feeding seminars to poor families in the communities. So we seek nutritional volunteer experts.
- seek counselling partners to help us with counselling activities to people living with HIV/AIDS in our communities since AIDS began in our district in the whole of Uganda.
- recruit innovators who can help teach our communities basic activities that can help uplift our communities standards of living.
We partner with local schools here and so we are seeking teachers who can highly speak motivational words and stories to our poor kids and give them hope and love for a better tomorrow.
In this program, we travel around the villages and truly get first-hand information from the poor families, take photos, write stories, make reports and finally try to find an international family and connect it directly to any chosen family.ย In this program, we seek field researches accompanies with our local volunteer support to help solicit families that truly need our help.
Volunteering hours
Volunteers have a right to work depending on their life ratio however we would prefer a 4 hours work for every volunteer per day. No work over the weekends, volunteers will some times be taken to the beach for refreshment and the nearby water body as we have a garden just close to a lake… Camping there will some times be organized over the weekends.
Our foods are local for example, Bananas, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, Avocados, beans, corn, etc. Foods are free however a volunteer might wish to support the family in one way or the other in terms of foods and mother basics.
we have free accommodation for only 5 volunteers.
However, camping options or hotels are available and highly recommended.

Email: ropveffas2011@gmail.com
Contact: +256776 -287-079

This is something I would really love to be a part of but I cannot this year, hopefully I can volunteer in the future.