Online opportunities
Volunteering opportunities online – This page features opportunities to help worldwide organizations and NGOs with online work. Even if you currently cannot travel, there are many opportunities for you to help those in need. Whether you are looking to be more productive with your time at home or simply want to lend a hand, our communities welcome your support.
If you are skilled with:
- Social media
- IT
- website
- marketing
- fundraising
- teaching English online
- general help with a computer (WORK IN PROGRESS)
Consider helping as an online volunteer! Choose and contact one of our partner organizations or one of the organizations listed below. They are located in different parts of the world and through their announcements they have let us know that they could use some help with digital/online tasks.
Your help will be much appreciated.
In most cases, you can use these online experiences to expand your CV and you can receive a certificate from the NGOs you choose to help.
Also, check the online volunteer opportunity with Voluntouring page
Volunteer online for the Voluntouring project
Volunteer Online for NGOs, No-Profits and other types of organizations
The following organizations have let us know that they could use some help with digital/online tasks: