Volunteering at a library in Battdambang, Cambodia

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Volunteering at a library in Battdambang, Cambodia – For all those people who would like to live a new experience volunteering in a library centre in Cambodia, this is your opportunity!

My name is Sarin.

I was a farmer, and I know how difficult life can be when you don’t have money and education.ย Fortunately, now I have a job and I live in the Battambang.

I want to help my poor villagers and because I think education is one of the most important things I opened this Library centre.

We are looking for English teachers volunteers or people who can help me to set up the library or with any other thing.

Volunteer Exchange

We can offer free accommodation in the village with my family.

It doesn’t matter if you stay a short or long term.


We need more books and scholar material. So I was thinking this volunteering group can help me to collect it.
If any of you can send me books (any book) and they are not for children I can sell them in the second-hand shop and to use the money to buy new material.

If anybody is interested in this, let me know and I will explain to you more about it via my Couchsurfing profile.

Thank you.



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See more volunteering opportunities in Cambodia

Author: Voluntouring staff

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