Volunteer as a digital competencies trainer in Shianda Mumias, Kakamega County Kenya.
Hi my name is Josephato Chibata Chibai. I am the Director of a community non-profit organization called PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY (PAPO) is legally registered and operating under the laws & regulations of the Republic of Kenya in Shianda town Mumias East sub-county of Kakamega county Kenya. We are kindly seeking to receive volunteers who can come and teach Digital Competencies Skills to our community members.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, very many employees in Kenya have been advised to work remotely from home, students are now advised to do their academic assignments and even exams from home. Since many of our community members lack efficient Digital skills we decided to start a program called DIGITAL COMPETENCIES PROGRAM focusing on teaching and empowering community members both in and out of schools free of charge with Digital skills on how to use digital devices such as Smartphones, laptops, desktops internet etc to work or study remotely.
The digital competencies program
The program was developed and initiated in our organization by Volunteers from NGO MONDO from Estonia under the EUROPEAN DIGITAL COMPETENCE FRAMEWORK (DigComp) and has 5 key elements namely;
- Information and Data literacy (understanding one’s information needs and finding relevant digital content; storing, managing and organizing content)
- Communication and collaboration (communicating and collaborating digitally and managing one digital identity and reputation)
- Digital content creation (creating and editing digital content)
- Safety (protecting personal data and privacy in digital environments)
- Problem-solving (identifying and resolving problems, using digital tools to innovate).
We look forward to hearing from and partnering with you soon as possible and we thank you all in advance.
What type of host are you?
What are you looking for help with?
What’s the mission of your community?
Our main mission is to develop a safe, healthy and wealthy environment through Information, collaborative planning, community action, and policy advocacy. Through our mission PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY addresses some of the most pervasive problems in rural Kenya, including,
- poor healthcare systems,
- the poor education system,
- environmental degradation and
- extreme poverty.
In addition, our foundation focuses on empowering the youth of Kenya through leadership and Digital skills training. The focus of our programs is on providing quality knowledge & skills to all for an improved society and quality social services delivery in disadvantaged communities of rural Kenya. In order to uplift the youngest of our society, however, it is often necessary to also assist adults and the communities in which they live.
PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY (PAPO) lean on the principles that our common humanity is more important than our individual differences. We, therefore, operate on a non-political, non-denominational, and non-sectarian basis, welcoming each and every Kenyan in need and hungry for knowledge, information and appropriate skills for livelihood improvement.
How many volunteers could you host?
Up to 10 volunteers
When would you need volunteers?
All year long
How many hours of help per day?
- 4-5 hours of help per day
How many days of help per week?
- 4 days of help per week – 3 days off
Note about the volunteer work and other expectations
Be motivating, ready to share and learn a lot from our organisation and country in general.
Are accommodation and food included?
Yes, we offer food and accommodation
What type of accommodation can you provide?
- Private Room
- Dormitory/shared rooms
- Private home
Diet – nutrition information
- The breakfast served is healthy and well balanced. It includes tea and coffee, bread, jam, fruit and a main dish, depending on the wish to prepare that day (Ex. eggs, bacon, pancakes, French toast, cereal, porridge, etc.).
- Lunch is typically the main meal of the day in Kenya and volunteers will often eat their meals on-site, prepared by local families or community members. If not, Project Leaders will bring volunteers to a local restaurant, which will offer several traditional options.
A typical Kenyan lunch features beef, chicken or fish coupled with potatoes, rice or beans (usually rice). Dinners at home offer a vegetarian and non-vegetarian option each night.
Volunteers are always advised to be wary of street vendorsโ food, which is more susceptible to contamination, undercooked meat and raw fruits or vegetables. DO NOT drink water straight from the tap. Brushing your teeth with it is usually fine, but, for personal consumption, be sure to buy bottled water from a store or boil tap water before drinking (though the latter is far less practical).
Fees transparency
At PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY (PAPO), we appreciate and allow you to use your compassion to help make the world a better place at no cost! We, however, encourage all our volunteers to throw themselves into fundraising.
VISA – could you provide Visa support/info/invitation letters?
Yes, we can help with Visa/invitation letters
Volunteers’ benefits:
Volunteers are always welcome at PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY(PAPO) either for short-term or long-term projects. We want to deliver an experience to enjoy Kenya by living, working and making an impact with us. In exchange for your skills, donation and help, you get the following:
- Pre-Departure Handbook (Everything you need to know about Kenya
- We shall pick you up from Jomo Kenyatta International airport Nairobi (Pick Up only)
- Accommodation throughout your stay (Minimum stay is 4 weeks)
- Shared bedroom with one other-same sex volunteer (separate beds)
- Blanket, Pillows and treated mosquito net
- Limited Wi-Fi access at the house (Please feel free to bring your laptop)
- 3 delicious local meals for your entire duration
- 24/7 In-country Support
- You can stay with us for up to 12 months in Kenya, no extra fees required
- Deeper culture immersion experience with the founderโs family
- Discounted tours, safaris and events
- We can help with Visa extensions
- Work and life experience
- The opportunity to help others and lifetime friends
- Certificate of Appreciation at the end of your stay
What to do in the free time
Kenya is a diverse country whereby in free time you can visit cultural sites like
- the Nabongo shrine in Mumias,
- Kakamega forest,
- Lake Victoria,
- the crying stone,
- Maasai Mara National reserve,
amongst many tourist attractions.
Also, PEOPLE AGAINST POVERTY volunteers enjoy an extremely unique experience not only in the work they do but also in the atmosphere they live in. The hard work volunteers put in during the week undoubtedly warrants some fun and relaxation during evening free time and on the weekends. During the week we organize a variety of activities for volunteers in the evenings.
We often play football (soccer), cards and board games or chill out around the bar or go out for a dance getting to know fellow volunteers from around the world. We are located just 30 minutes from either Kakamega town or Mumias where day tours can be organized to visit the Kakamega forest which showcases incredible biodiversity, including hundreds of birds and nature walks. No matter what your interests, there is always something for everyone to enjoy.
Shianda town is in Mumias sub-county in Kakamega county which lies in the western part of Kenya about 300 kilometres from Nairobi capital city of the Republic of Kenya. It is bordered by Vihiga, Bungoma, Siaya, Kisumu and Uasin Gishu Counties. Kakamega county is home to Nabongo kingdom one of the oldest monarchies which used to stretch from Jinja in Uganda up to Naivasha in Kenya. At the advent of the colonization in Africa, big Christian missions, hospitals, schools and colleges were established in Kakamega.
How to get to your site
From Jomo Kenyatta international airport in Nairobi you can reach our place through Kisumu international airport a board a public vihicle or a taxi to Shianda town or from Nairobi you can travel through a public transport preferably through a bus transport to Shianda town Mumias Kenya as you enjoy the diverse Kenyan landscape.
Is there internet access?
“Paying guests” Option. Could you accommodate “solidarity” tourists? (what is this?)
Yes, we can accommodate eco/responsible tourists & paying guests
Our website: https://papocomchibai.wixsite.com/papo
Facebook: facebook@peopleagainstpovertykenya
Hostname: Josephato Chibata Chibai
Host Email: papocom.chibai@gmail.com
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