Short and long-term volunteering opportunity in Ljubljana, Slovenia [ESC program]

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Call for ESC at Zavod Voluntariat, Mladi Zmaji and Tipovej!

Short and long-term volunteering opportunity within the European Solidarity Corps in the most beautiful place in Europe – Ljubljana, Slovenia ๐Ÿ—ป

  • ๐Ÿ‘‰SHORT 12 2020 – 1.2021 (2 months) – assistant position only (APPLY UNTIL 15.10.2020!)
  • ๐Ÿ‘‰LONG 2.2021 – 1.2022 (12 months)
We are looking for people for the following positions:
  • graphic designer,
  • coordinator and
  • Youth Worker assistant.

PS: I work for both hosting organizations so I can answer all your questions๐Ÿฅฐ See contact details below

DATE AND VENUE volunteering opportunity in Ljubljana:

Ljubljana, February 2021 – February 2022

VOLUNTEERS needed: 3

Young adults aged between 18 and 30, from EU Members states, Turkey, North Macedonia, Iceland.



ESC project:

Dive Into Volunteering Experience โ€“ As a leading Slovenian organisation in the area of the international volunteering, we want to devote the ESC volunteering project partly to the implemental continuation of promotional activities and opportunities in the field of international volunteering and non-formal learning, with emphasis on opportunities for youth participation in European Solidarity Corps an Erasmus+ programmes.

Within the project, we will carry out promotional activities with a focus on smaller towns and rural areas in Slovenia, as a continuation of activities of strategic EVS project. In addition, SCI network is celebrating 100th anniversary in 2020, thus volunteers will also be focusing on helping with preparing and carrying out the activities for the anniversary. They will bring international dimensions and our projects, help in the offices, including having promotional workshops in different areas continuing activities started by our previous international volunteers. The volunteer will be in charge of contacts with young people, finding and supporting local youth initiatives, helping young people in the process “from idea to reality,” and working on the project creating an incubator of quality of urban life, education, support and implementation of local initiatives and help in transferring `. the acquired knowledge into partially privileged areas.


๐Ÿ”ฅInfopack and app forms:

The announcement was listed by Karolina Pyzikย  on our FB group

See more ESC – European Solidarity Corps opportunities

Author: Voluntouring staff

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1 thought on “Short and long-term volunteering opportunity in Ljubljana, Slovenia [ESC program]

  1. Hi I want to be participate of short ferm project in Slovenia. I would be happy if you connect with me.

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