Volunteer for accommodation and food in Australia โ Our beautiful Butterfly and Pet Farm is looking for travelling helpers to start A.S.A.P. Do you wanna volunteer for accommodation and food in Australia?
We are close to Litchfield National Park NT. Australia
Update 09 – 08 -2020
Would be good if you are in the NT, as 14 days quarantine still exists. And we require someone ASAP.
We offer:
- Free breakfast; Lunch, Dinner
- Free WIFI;
- Free laundry facilities;
- and a lot of good vibes !!
- And lots of Happy Times And a Great experience!
We are looking for people to do:
- Gardening
- Housekeeping,
- Cleaning ,
- Kitchen and Restaurant.
All we ask from you:
be motivated, feel responsible and bring some good positive energy to the place!
Are you keen? Or do you know any friends who would like to help us?
This announcement was shared in our free Facebook Group (read the term for being accepted in the group here).
The message was left from https://www.facebook.com/cianne.burtonย
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