Yoga ๐ง๐ฟ
In this page you can find volunteering opportunities that offer the possibility to practice or teach Yoga.
What is Yoga?
Yoga (from the Sanskrit root Yuj, “yoked, unite”) is a very ancient and complex system of knowledge, a precious fruit of the millennial Indian culture. Using a vast choice of techniques, Yoga promotes and makes possible the integration of the various planes of human existence.
In order to calm the hyperactivity and the dispersion of the mind, Yoga teaches methods of psycho-physical relaxation and, subsequently, specific techniques of concentration and meditation.
With regular and constant practice we feel well-being, calm and mental clarity emerge in us. An attitude of greater responsibility and focus is developed, to better face the trials and challenges of everyday life.
Body – Breath – Energy – Mind
Working on a psycho-emotional level, the practitioners are able to better define his own existential path. They can also make use of universal spiritual teachings that have become the common heritage of humanity over time.
The techniques serve to harmonize the body-energy-mind system, and allow strength, determination and clarity of ideas to flow into the practitioner.
With constant and regular practice, meditation activates the intuitive sphere and increases personal creativity. It also reveals the great potential latent in everyone, and capable of directing our evolutionary path.
Also, take a look at the Meditation page or the Spirituality section
Yoga volunteer programs ๐ง๐ฟ
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