Volunteer at our Pre and Primary school in Dandora Slum, Kenya

Children of Kenya, Volunteer in Kenya, Welicar, kenya volunteering, kenya cheapest programs, responsible tourism in Kenya, Kenya volunteers

Volunteer in a primary school in Kenya โ€“Welicarโ€™s mission is to help combat the recurrent cycle of poverty within the slums community through the nurturing of its children. Our undertaking is to facilitate orphaned and destitute slum children to realize their full potential in life through the provision of quality education and by tending to their physical, psychological, and spiritual needs. Our volunteers work with students who come from very difficult economic circumstances or are orphans.

What type of host are you?
  • Organization/NGO
What are you looking for help with?
  • Babysitting
  • Charity Work/Fundraising
  • Teaching/Language Exchange
  • General Help
  • Marketing
General info

While volunteers also gain experience and satisfaction, theyโ€™ll realize that itโ€™s a life-changing experience to the pupils too.

How many volunteers could you host?

2 volunteers at once

When would you need volunteers?

As soon as they can be available

How many hours of help per day?

6 hours

How many days of help per week?

5 days per week

Volunteer expectations:

Act as a classroom helper, mentor or tutor pupils, volunteer in the school computer lab, help organize, cater, or work at fundraising activities, act as a lunchroom or playground monitor, help to plan and chaperone in-school events (dances, proms), organize or assist with a specific club or interest group (if you have an interest in an activity that isnโ€™t currently available to pupils, offer to help get a group started), help the school administrators prepare grant proposals, letter-writing campaigns, or press releases, or help with other administrative needs.

Help with story time or reading assistance to the pupils, help out with visual arts, crafts, and design courses and projects, spend some time with a specific club or interest group (ask the teacher who sponsors the group), volunteer to speak in the classroom, if you have a field of expertise that youโ€™d like to share, supervise or judge experiments at a science fair.



Are accommodation and food included?

Yes, food and accommodation are included in the weekly fee

What type of accommodation can you provide?

Private home


Veggies, chapati, and green grams, crumbled egg, butter toast, coffee/tea. Fruits of different varieties e.g. red and green apple, mangoes, oranges, pineapple, bananas.

Fees transparency

Yes, we charge USD100 per week.

This caters to volunteer’s food (while in the house) and accommodation.


No, I cannot help with Visa but I can offer assistance

Volunteers’ benefits

The volunteer will feel like a rockstar! The children are just so eager to be with you and their genuine smiles will change your life Iโ€™m sure

What to do in the free time

You can visit the shopping mall, supermarket, Java, game reserves, national museum, Giraffe centre or the famous David Sheldrick Elephant orphanage among others. You’ll be accompanied by the Director of the school who will also help with arrangements for transport, park fees e.t.c.




How to get to your site

We are located at Dandora Phase 3, 41 – Bethany road, Behind Barcelona Sports club.

Is there internet access?

Yes, sadly…


https://www.welicareducationalcentre.org/ ๐ŸŒ
Email1: info@welicareducationalcentre.org ๐Ÿ“ง
Hostname/volunteers coordinator:ย Elisha Ooga
Email2:ย welicareducationalc@gmail.com ๐Ÿ“ง



If you are interested in this volunteering opportunity don’t write in the comment section below. Use the contact details above๐Ÿ†™๐Ÿ‘†


Author: Voluntouring staff

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2 thoughts on “Volunteer at our Pre and Primary school in Dandora Slum, Kenya

  1. Hi! I am looking at coming to visit Africa and would love to start my trip with 2 weeks of volunteering. Looking for this to be around late July, early August.

    I am an Australian qualified teacher and would love the opportunity! Please let me know if you have availability around this time and what dates could work ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. Dear Sarah ๐Ÿ˜Š
      This is the comment section of the host announcement. The hosts may not be able to read this section, so to get in touch with them, please use the contact information they provided in the “Contact Details” section at the end of the announcement, just above our conversation.๐Ÿ‘†

      Thank you and happy travels.๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿคž

      Did you know that you can use this section to leave a review or reference for this volunteer project/program?

      Voluntouring team

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