Volunteer in Jenin, Palestine! – I would like to invite any interested people who like to volunteer, in our cultural centre in Jenin city in Palestine
We are the Jenin Creative Cultural Center and we are looking for volunteers who can share our young people their skills and help them get to know more about new skills. Volunteers who can teach languages, Music, Dance, painting, photography, filming, computer, Technologies, ecology.
We are also looking for expert people who are able to help in developing Agriculture projects. It will be our great pleasure to host you.
More information
J3C opened in response to the violence in Jenin Refugee Camp. We promote justice and peace in Palestine through art, culture, and education.
The Jenin Creative Cultural Centre (J3C) opened in 2005 by youth from Jenin in response to violence in Jenin Refugee Camp. The Centre uses art and cultural projects to foster peace and promote justice in the Palestinian Occupied Territories. Our vision is to use art, culture, and education as tools for Young Palestinians to advance the concepts of peace, justice, and equity while dealing with the realities of their lives.
J3C works on two levels: locally and internationally. Activities in the local community include
- artistic workshops,
- dance classes,
- theatre and music performances, as well as puppet and clown,ย shows in the schools.
Additionally, the Centre works to bring these activities abroad in order to gain publicity about our efforts a Palestine in the international media
The Jenin Creative cultural centre
J3C aims to promote active leadership of youth in Jenin. We want to provide them with the necessary tools and support needed to develop the skills and knowledge to promote peace and justice. We aim to:
- foster education in order to promote tolerance, reconciliation, non-violence, and democracy.
- We believe in empowering women as part of society and protecting the environment through action.
- Support dialogue between cultures both locally or internationally as a means to strengthen relationships and improve understanding.
Hostname: Yousef
For more information, get in touch with us! Use one of these contact details
Facebook page – the cultural center