Message from the host:
Hello guys,
We are looking for friendly people that want to camp and build their own camping spot in the very beautiful surrounding of Cortes de la Frontera, Andalusie, Spain.
We will be there in April and the first part of May. We will put up a safari tent and get some water down. If you want to help and camp on our small mountain in a huge landscape… please send a PM or leave a message below!
Update 6 march 2018
Hello again, We have some new info for you. We search for creative campingspot builders between 10th of April and 10th of May. Send a PM if interested. We can handle some more people to help us…. Bring your tent and your very good mood!
Several flight options for the Netherlands to go to Ukulandia, Malaga/Sevilla in April. Come down to build your own camping spot… We will supply some food, next to goat and horse shit, plants, seeds, stones and refractory cement to build your own stove! Are you interested, creative, loyal or a handy musician and looking for some harmony on the mountain, send us a PM? We will be there between 10th of April till the 10th of May. We have 2 tents to lend out.