Message from the host
I would like to introduce you to our project Amazon Sustainability and Awareness Project(A.S.A.P) soon to be located in SE Peru, near Puerto Maldonado.
We will hopefully be breaking ground around December, 2015.
We are a permaculture based, off grid community of like-minded souls with the goal of restoring balance between man and the natural world.
What we are about
A.S.A.P. is a meeting place for everyone who is interested in preserving the health and diversity of life in the Amazon rainforest, and other threatened eco-systems around the world.
It is a place of raising awareness and of education.
It is also a cradle for action.
Our strategies for change include the following:
- -Providing an independent hub where the latest news concerning ecological threats can be accessed and monitored.
- -Establishing a network of communities and education centers where sustainable low impact living is explored, advanced, and shared.
- -Promoting the use of traditional plant based medicines and natural healing modalities, with the emphasis on disease prevention.
- -Working alongside indigenous tribes to raise awareness of their values and ways of living in order to restore rights and advance their visions for the future of their lands.
- -Running forums for change, where voices are given to everyone affected by the destruction of natural eco-systems, in the Amazon basin and elsewhere in the world.
- -Educating businesses, governments, and the general public in viable alternatives to damaging exploitative and extraction based economies.
- -Giving opportunities to individuals and organizations to take personal responsibility for the permanent protection of threatened areas and peoples.
P.S. The plan is for the core group to begin phase one construction starting December, or January 2016 at the latest. Early spring we will begin inviting Wwoofers and volunteers.
I see this as a great test to draw in and get to know potential permanent community members.
I am brimming with excitement. A.S.A.P will be breaking ground in less than 3 weeks, on a beautiful seventy hectare(175 acre) piece of land in Puerto Maldonado, Peru. The land is surrounded by primary rain forest and has three pristine natural springs that flow year round.
A friend of mine will be leading the construction of our base camp, and the hope is to have it constructed over the next three months. I will be flying in around the end of October with a filmmaker, and a drone operator for aerial mapping of the land, as well as the start of our documentary. Another friend owns a film production company and will be working with us on this documentary.
My primary goal will be to map out phase one of our community; eventually returning to the U.S. to continue promoting our project. I will then be returning in December, or January at the latest.
Exciting times.ย ๐
Please like our Facebook page at:
Our website is amazonawareness.com
Is it currently possible to come to you as a volunteer?
If so, what would be the conditions?
Working? Which and how much?
When these questions are answered, there is of course also information about me
Many greetings
Hi Martina, please contact the host using the contacts provided in the contact details section at the end of the announcement! We wish you an amazing volunteer experience. โPlease follow local guidelines about physical distancing and staying home during COVID-19. Learn how to travel and host and/or be hosted responsibly. Always follow Local Health Guidelines.We suggest following the guidelines from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – ECDC.If you’re planning to meet up, host, or be hosted, check the local laws and the directives that may be in place during this time. Consider waiting for the COVID-19 emergency situation to be over before traveling again.