HELP WANTED in United States, Tennessee!
As published in our volunteering group. Conasauga Valley Farm is looking for interns and WWOOFers interested in helping out on a 180+ acre organic, sustainable farm in SE TN bordering GA.
Current operations include
- mob grazing of pigs and cattle,
- rotating the chicken trailers,
- earthbag construction,
- baking,
- gardening,
- greenhouse maintenance and building,
- dumpster-diving,
- kombucha brewing,
- canning,
- fence building, animal care,
- dirt biking,
- hiking,
- canoeing,
- cow milking,
- the building of an outdoor kitchen
and always open to new ideas.
Welcoming to vegetarians, vegans and meat eaters alike.
Contact details
Contact Charles McIntyre if interested.
ย https://www.facebook.com/ConasaugaValleyFarm
E-mail to: conasaugafarm@yahoo.com