Call for Volunteers 2023 European Solidarity Corps (18 to 30 years)
European Solidarity Corp experience in our Ecovillage โ ย We are looking for new ESC volunteers at Sieben Linden ecovillage from March until October or even December 2023!
Have you always wanted to spend some time abroad? You are interested in being a member of our intentional community for 8-12 months? You are between 18 and 30 years old?
Then this might the right thing to do! (Go to the CONTACT DETAILS section below to find out how to get in touch)
What is the European Solidarity Corps? The programme European Solidarity Corps (ESC) enables young people (18 to 30 years) to be part of a project as a volunteer, connecting on a European level.
Ecovillage Sieben Linden, North-East Germany
Three different placements:
- 1. Sustainable food (3 free spaces)
- 2. Sustainable education (1 free space)
- 3. Organic vegetable garden (2 free spaces)
1st of March – of October 2023 (8 months) Placement 1 & 3: possible for 12 months
About Sieben Linden
Sieben Linden Ecovillage strives to be an ecologically and social model settlement. Our intentional community was established in 1997 and now we are more than a hundred adults and forty children. We aim at implementing a collaborative and holistic sustainable lifestyle that connects a small ecological footprint with a high quality of life. The vision of Sieben Linden is a sustainable way of life where the social, ecological, economical and cultural aspects are intertwined into a holistic approach that offers space for diversity, creativity and the different needs of people.
The Sieben Linden Ecovillage is a forward-looking village project in the north of Saxony-Anhalt with 145 residents at present.
The Sieben Linden Ecovillage sees itself as a model project for ecological lifestyles and communal forms of living. Since 1997, a village has been built in the structurally weak rural region of Altmark, where more than 140 people between the ages of 0 and 77 currently live. In the final stage, a village for 200 – 300 people is envisaged.
The ecovillage Sieben Linden is a place where many aspects of holistic ecological living have been realised:
Ecological building
straw-built houses with clay plaster, heating with renewable energies, use of regional construction wood, use of compost toilets throughout, own electricity production with photovoltaics.
Ecological lifestyle
Car sharing, communal use of utensils and electrical appliances, low electricity consumption, vegetarian/vegan communal kitchen 100% organic, high proportion of raw food.
Sustainable economy
cooperative land ownership, solidarity farming, food co-op, mutual support, creating manageable economic cycles. Ecological horticulture and forestry: extensive self-sufficiency in vegetables, construction and firewood from sustainable cultivation, forest conversion to mixed forest, use of horses in horticulture and forestry.
Education for sustainability
International seminar farm, forest kindergarten, various internship opportunities, voluntary ecological year, federal voluntary services, projects in the region, energy turnaround initiative.
Social integration
Living together of all generations, home care for the first person in need of care in the village, integration of a mentally handicapped fellow resident, regular offers for children (dance, play afternoon).
Conscious Community Life
conscious cultivation of communication culture & constructive conflict resolution methods, supervision meetings for the community, regular internal cultural, sporting and meditative offers (concerts, discussion evenings, yoga, meditation, dance, readings), and festivals.
The Seven Linden Ecovillage offers an inspiring environment for people who are looking for ways to change their lifestyle. Guests can experience in their own being that a sustainable lifestyle can go hand in hand with a gain in quality of life and how a meaningful and fulfilled life can look like without much consumption. What is special about the educational operation in Sieben Linden is the integration of the seminar guests into the sustainable lifestyle of the Sieben Linden Ecovillage. In this way, the above-mentioned topics are not only taught theoretically, but can be experienced positively in everyday life.
If you wanna know more, check the attached pics or contact us: freiwilligenkoordination@fk.siebenlinden.org and leave your application (Deadline 31.10.22) here:
Facebook page:
http://siebenlinden DOT org/
This announcement was posted by Eva on our FB volunteer group โณ
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