What is the Youthpass and how to get it?

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Within our large community, there are often requests for more in-depth information related to the world of European Solidarity Corps, European funds and euro planning. Today, following some requests in this regard, we will deal with the Youthpass, a tool provided by the European Commission to document the learning outcomes of youth work and solidarity activities.

What is the Youthpass?

Youthpass is a recognition used within the Erasmus Plus programme, for projects of the Youth in Action programmes and for the European Solidarity Corps. It recognises non-formal learning, which the European Commission considers very important for the growth and education of young people and on which it relies heavily.

How can I get the Youthpass?

After participating in one of the European exchanges, young people will be able to receive the Youthpass, which also aims to support their employability, as it helps to describe their competencies and documents their acquisition of key skills. This is very important and differentiates it from all those certificates of participation in courses, or diplomas, which do not certify an actual competence but often certify just attendance. Attending a course and being able to do what was explained in that course are two different things. Youthpass, on the other hand, testifies to specific competencies that young people have acquired in a given project precisely because they have been actively called upon to carry out activities and to take part in them.

Who will issue a Youthpass certificate?

The responsibility for issuing Youthpass certificates to participants in ESC/EVS projects, if they wish to receive them, lies with the project leaders.

Thanks to Youthpass, participants can describe what they did during the project. They also become more aware of the skills they have and the different ways in which they can learn.

Click here to see examples of certificates:

Volunteering Projectsย (125.09 kB, pdf)

Solidarity Projectsย (124.25 kB, pdf)

Jobs Projectsย (124.85 kB, pdf)

Traineeships Projectsย (124.67 kB, pdf)

Visit The European Solidarity Corps programs section

Author: Voluntouring staff

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