Volunteering opportunity in West Bengal, India (Remote/onsite)– This is our latest project and for this, we need a Graphics designer, Website builder, UI UX designer, Photographer, Social media handler, videomaker, content writer, article writer, permaculturist, eco-house builder, ecologist, ecology restoration specialist, fundraiser, environmental engineer, project proposal writer, pitch deck maker, ppt presentation maker, financial analyst, accounting specialist, personal assistant to Head of Dept., impact analysts.
Avatamsaka Vihara = Engaged Ecoversity Project
We are developing an open university project in 100 Bigha land in West Bengal to reconstruct the forgotten legacy of the Indian education system., there is no syllabus, the whole existence is our Syllabus, the process of self-realization with the existential reality is the syllabus. Everyone is welcome!
About us : “Avatamsaka Vihara”
Avatamsaka Sutra is Mahayana text that depicts interdependence and interpenetration of all dharmas (here dharma means “phenomenon”, both in the sense of them being both temporal and spatial, and material and nonmaterial)― for example, the phenomenon that we linguistically identify as “I” interpenetrates all other phenomena that we linguistically identify as the world or the universe― they arise together and are dependent on one another following the Mahayana idea of pratityasamutpada or dependent co-origination― and where neither of them are fixed or static, and neither being the cause, nor the effort (because, cause and effect are but mental constructions according to the Madhyamakas).
‘Avatamsaka’ literally means flower ornament, যেমন ফুলের মালা― যেখানে, যেমন মালার মধ্যে প্রতিটি ফুলের অস্তিত্বকে খুঁজে পাওয়া যায়, তেমনি আবার প্রতিটি ফুলের ভেতরও মালার অস্তিত্বকে আমরা দেখতে পাই― and this sutra gives the clue about my/our relationship with my/our environment, and how we interpenetrate and arise together, as explained by the pratityasamutpada/dependent co-origination
And Vihara is not exactly a university in the modern sense of the term, they rather arose as resting places of the wandering monks, especially during the range seasons, where the took shelter, meditated and discussed scriptures― so the idea of vihara is intimately linked with the idea of ‘journey’, which in our case serve as a metaphor to the ‘journey’ of life
The guiding principle of the Open University is Pratītyasamutpāda
Pratītyasamutpāda leads us to understand that all phenomena are interconnected, and which is the key to ecological consciousness
In Zen tradition the spiritual practice of drawing ensō (meaning circle) and calligraphy for self-realization is called hitsuzendō― the ensō is empty yet full― and it symbolises the universe which is at the same time full, yet empty (of essence or swabhaba)― and it also symbolises absolute enlightenment
Hitsuzendō (way of Zen through brush) is a form of meditation which is related to Wabi-Sabi aesthetics, which is characterized by its transience and imperfection― it manifests itself by its asymmetry, roughness, simplicity, economy, austerity, modesty, intimacy, etc., thereby appreciating the beauty that is imperfect, impermanent, and incomplete in nature― a concept derived from the Buddhist teaching of the three marks of existence (trilakṣaṇa)― impermanence (aniccā), non-self (anattā) and suffering (duḥkha)
Volunteer exchange Benefits
Accommodation and food
Free-time activities
Rock climbing. trekking, cycling, community art practice, plantation, visiting Sundarban sea beach, boating, fishing, participating in various cultural, musical, dance shows can be made free for the volunteers due to our collaboration with various organizations.
CONTACT DETAILS 🔍📧How to apply?
Volunteering opportunity in West Bengal – You can apply and send your expression of interest and profile here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1gZOsgRLCpZA_mwiZuyitkANJ-HilZ5R91qBT90sKzH4/viewform
Contact at lieberearth@gmail.com
M: 9062244647
Our domain is www.avatamsakavihara.in 👈(we have just purchased the domain and we need volunteers who can build the website and take care of the digital work.)
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