EU Aid Volunteers: 21 international volunteering projects worldwide. Expenses covered.

Raising hand, volunteer, volunteering, voluntouring, voluntourism, volunteer projects

EU Aid Volunteers โ€“ If you are looking for a funded international volunteering experience, take part in EU Aid Volunteers, the initiative of the European Commission that allows you to make a difference


the whole world


on average from 1 to 18 months


European citizens – above 18 years old


late 2020/early 2021 and to follow for field projects

Description of the project

EU Aid Volunteers is an initiative of the Directorate-General for Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations of the European Commission (ECHO), which offers all EU citizens the opportunity to live a volunteering experience abroad, for a duration between 18 months, through humanitarian aid projects in the southern hemisphere.

The initiative allows providing support through the implementation of joint projects carried out by expert humanitarian workers and local organizations, as well as adequately trained and prepared senior or junior volunteers

Who can participate?

The initiative is open to all European citizens of legal age or long-term residents, with two different profiles:

  • Junior Profile: volunteers who want to increase their skills and their professional and human experience;
  • Senior Profile: professional volunteers who have already had at least 5 years’ experience in the humanitarian field

Economic conditions

In general the project finances:

  • A monthly expense refund, calculated based on the cost of living in each country.
  • Travel expenses
  • Health insurance and mandatory vaccines,
  • Any visas
  • Accommodation
  • Any training costs

Indicatively July, August and September for projects in different countries of the world and in particular: Morocco, Bolivia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, Ukraine, Kenya, starting in 2021

Online volunteer projects are also available. For more information check the contact details section below.

Read the newest announcement from the EU AID volunteers service


For more information on the offers for the various destinations, or to apply, check this link:

The available projects:

Go to the Europe volunteering projects section

Go to Europe Erasmus/ESC/EVS project section

Author: Voluntouring staff

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1 thought on “EU Aid Volunteers: 21 international volunteering projects worldwide. Expenses covered.

  1. Greetings

    Iโ€™m interested in applying to this program.
    Please contact me regarding all the documents Iโ€™m required to submit

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