Contact information hidden โ On this website, the contact information of some hosts may be hidden to protect their privacy and shield them from unwanted advertising or inappropriate requests. Unfortunately, it has been observed that some hosts have received unwanted messages or requests for accommodation from individuals who are not truly interested in volunteering or cultural exchange but rather looking for a free vacation, work, or immigration opportunities abroad. We would like to remind you that volunteering abroad is not a means of obtaining work visas or residency permits. Furthermore, seeking accommodation and hospitality from a community or private entity without the proper travel documentation and visas puts both the traveller and the host at legal risk.
If you are seeking work abroad…
…there are several websites and resources that can help you find opportunities that may also assist with obtaining a work visa. Some examples include:
- Indeed: A worldwide job search website that offers a variety of job opportunities worldwide, including those with work visa sponsorship.
- GoAbroad: A website that provides a variety of resources for finding work abroad, including job listings and information on visa requirements.
- LinkedIn: A professional networking site that allows you to connect with recruiters and hiring managers from companies worldwide and find job opportunities with work visa sponsorship.
- Working Abroad: A website that specializes in providing resources and information for people interested in working abroad, including job listings and information on visa requirements.
- A website that offers a variety of job opportunities abroad, including those with work visa sponsorship.
- A website that provides a variety of resources for people who want to work, study, or volunteer abroad, including job listings and information on visa requirements.
It is important to always verify the specific visa requirements for the country you are interested in, and ensure that the job offer is legitimate.
Thank you for your attention and understanding.
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