Volunteering opportunities for Switzerland, free archive.
Here you can find volunteer programs available in Switzerland. Also, thanks for helping us expand this section by inviting other hosts.
When you read a post, don’t forget to check the publication dates to see if it is still valid.
To get in contact with the host, look for the “contact details section“: there you can usually find the host e-mail and other addresses to start communicating with the host/organization or the local community.
If the announcement is old, you can still try to see if the opportunity is available by sending the host a message.
Volunteer opportunities & programs in Switzerland
This page can only show a maximum of 15-17 posts. Click on ‘older posts‘ to see more. Are you a host? Add your listing!

Support local communities in need while traveling
Travel and volunteer in a group with other likeminded volunteers
Receive volunteers for your project by offering hospitality, cultural exchange & meaningful opportunities
Travel, help the locals, share the lifestyle, receive food & accommodation in exchange