Happy Holidays from Voluntouring.org 🎅
How to say Merry Christmas in all the languages of the world– As we near the end of 2020, we want to thank you for your support throughout the year. We’re incredibly proud for the increasing numbers of visitors and followers (despite the fact that this has been an extraordinarily tough year) and also that we’ve featured volunteer opportunities from all the continents of the world. We could not have done without the help of the followers, the donors, the partnership, and the trust that we’ve been given.
So we wish you and your loved ones a happy and safe holiday season! In all the languages of the world…
How to say Merry Christmas in all the languages of the World
Christmas, from being an exclusively Christian holiday, has spread in its own way all over the world, so much so that today it is possible to say Merry Christmas in all languages (or almost!). Of course, if we consider that there are around 8000 languages spoken on planet Earth, it’s difficult to provide a complete list, but in this post, we’ve listed as many languages as we could.
Let’s start with the greetings in the most popular languages, and then you’ll find a list of how to wish a happy Christmas in many countries! P.S.: M.C.= Merry Christmas
How to say Merry Christmas in all the most common languages:🎄
1. Merry Christmas!
Used in:
- Canada
- United States of America
- England
Also common in the Cayman Islands, Jamaica, Fiji, and if you happen to be there at that time of year, even in Antarctica!
2. Nollaig Shona Dhuit!
Irish greeting, for those who always want to stand out!
3. Feliz Navidad!
This is the way you can wish a Happy Christmas in almost all Spanish-speaking countries
- The Iberian Peninsula (Spain and Gibraltar)
- Mexico and Central America, including Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama
- South America, including Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela
4. Boas Festas!
This is how people exchange greetings in Portugal!
5. Feliz Natal!
That’s how you wish a Happy Christmas in Brazilian!
6. Joyeux Noël!
For French speakers, Joyeux Noël is the formula used for Christmas greetings. In France of course, and many parts of Canada. You will also hear it in many African countries, if you decide to visit Burkina Faso, Burundi, and Cameroon, or if you find yourself in Chad, Congo, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Togo!
7. Zalig Kerstfeest!
This is the wish you hear in Dutch-speaking countries.
- In Belgium, by saying Zalig Kertsfeest you will be understood and reciprocated (this is in Flanders! In Wallonia, you will have to say Joyeux Noël).
- you have several options in Holland. You can say “Prettige Kerstdagen,” “Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar,” (also inserting a “Happy New Year”) or, of course, “Zalig Kerstfeest!”
8. Frohliche Weihnachten!
It will make the Germans smile, and if you’re in Liechtenstein it will still be welcome. In Switzerland there’s a slight variation; there they say “Fröhlichi Wiehnacht!”.
If you’re in Austria, you’ll have to pronounce something less demanding: it’s just “Frohe Weihnachten”.
9. Buon Natale!
You can also say “Buon Natale” in San Marino, in some parts of Switzerland and someone might even understand you in Malta, Corsica or Libya.
10. Milad Mubarak!
Even in the Middle East, some people celebrate this event. You’ll be wished “Milad Mubarak!” in Bahrain, Djibouti, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Yemen, and if you spend a night in Tunisia…
“Natal Mubarak” is the Indian variant, and in Pakistan, they say “Bara Din Mubarrak Ho!” (not “Ho Ho”).
11. Mo’adim Lesimkha!
This is how they say Happy Christmas in Israel.
12. Gézuar Krishlindjet!
There is only one place where you will hear this wish, and that is Albania. It’s also how they say “Greetings!” or “Cheers!” when they drink. Gézuar!
Near Albania, in Greece, they say “Eftihismena Christougenna!”
13. Sretan Bozic!
This is the Croatian wish, but if you’re heading to Eastern Europe, there are variations for every country:
- The Czech Republic say “Vesele Vanoce!”
- Serbia, “Cestitamo Bozic!”
- Slovenia, “Srecen Bozic“
- Bosnia and Herzegovina, “Sretam Bozic, Hristos se Rodi!“
14. Merii Kurisumasu!
That’s how they wish Happy Christmas in Japan. Let’s not forget the other Asian nations:
In Hong Kong they say “Sing dan fiy loc” and in Korea “Sung Tan Chuk Ha“. In Mandarin Chinese, take a deep breath and try saying “Kung His Hsin Nien Bing Chu Shen Tan“.
Further south, they say “Chuc Mung Giang Sinh” in Vietnam, and in Thailand, they say “Sawasdee Pee Mai”
How to say Merry Christmas in all countries (alphabetical order)
- Afghanistan: De Christmas akhtar de bakhtawar au newai kal de mubarak sha
- Albania: Gézuar Krishlindjet
- Algeria: Milad Mubarak
- Andorra: Bon Nadal
- Angola: Boas Festas
- Antartide: M. C., Felices Pasquas, Hristos Razdajetsja
- Antigua e Barbuda: M. C.
- Antille Olandesi: Bon Pasco, Bon Anja
- Arabia Saudita: I’d Miilad Said Oua Sana Saida
- Argentina: Feliz Navidad!
- Armenia: Shnorhavor Sourp Dzunount
- Aruba: Bon Pasco, Bon Anja
- Australia: Happy Christmas
- Austria: Frohe Weihnachten
- Azerbaijan: Tezze Iliniz Yahsi Olsun
- Bahamas: Happy Christmas
- Bahrain: Milad Mubarak
- Bangladesh: Shuvo Baro Din
- Barbados: M.C.
- Belgio: Zalig Kerstfeest, Joyeux Noël
- Belize: M. C.
- Benin: Joyeux Noël
- Bermuda: Merry Christmas
- Bhutan: krist Yesu Ko Shuva Janma Utsav Ko Upalaxhma Hardik Shuva
- Bielorussia: Winshuyu sa Svyatkami
- Bolivia: Feliz Navidad
- Bosnia Erzegovina: Sretam Bozic, Hristos se rodi
- Botswana: Merry Christmas
- Brasile: Feliz Natal
- Brunei: Selamat Hari Natal
- Bulgaria: Vessela Koleda
- Burkina Faso: Joyeux Noël
- Burundi: Noëli Nziza, Joyeux Noël
- Camerun: Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël
- Canada: Merry Christmas, Joyeux Noël, Merry Christmas
- Capo Verde: Boas Festas
- Ciad: Joyeux Noël, Milad Mubarak
- Cile: Feliz Navidad
- China Sheng Tan Kuai Loh Cina (Mandarino): Kung His Hsin Nien bingChu Shen Tan
- Cipro: Eftihismena Christougenna, Noëliniz kutlu olsun ve yeni yili
- Colombia: Feliz Navidad para todos
- Congo: Joyeux Noël
- Corea del Nord: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
- Corea del Sud: Sung Tan Chuk Ha
- Costa d’Avorio: Joyeux Noël
- Costa Rica: Feliz Navidad
- Croazia: Sretan Bozic
- Cuba: Feliz Navidad!
- Danimarca: Glaedelig Jul
- Dominica: Merry Christmas
- Ecuador: Feliz Navidad!
- Egitto: Milad Mubarak
- El Salvador: Feliz Navidad!
- Emirati Arabi Uniti: I’d Miilad Said Oua Sana Saida
- Eritrea: Melkam Yelidet Beaal, Poket Kristmet
- Estonia: Haid Joule, Rôômsaid Jôule
- Etiopia: Melkam Yelidet Beaal, Poket Kristmet, Merry Christmas
- Fiji: Merry Christmas
- Filippine: Maligayang Pasko
- Finlandia: Hauskaa Joulua
- Francia: Joyeux Noël H
- Gabon: Joyeux Noël
- Galles: Nadolig Llawen
- Gambia: Merry Christmas
- Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich del Sud: Happy Christmas
- Georgia: Gilotsavt Krist’es Shobas
- Germania: Frohliche Weihnachten
- Ghana: Afishapa
- Giamaica: Merry Christmas
- Giappone: Merii Kurisumasu
- Gibilterra: Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad
- Gibuti: Joyeux Noël, Milad Mubarak
- Giordania: Milad Mubarak, Merry Christmas
- Grecia: Eftihismena Christougenna
- Grenada: Merry Christmas
- Groenlandia: Glædelig Jul, Juullimi Ukiortaassamilu Pilluarit
- Guadalupa: Joyeux Noël
- Guam: Merry Christmas, Felis Pasgua
- Guatemala: Feliz Navidad!
- Equatorial Guinea: Joyeux Noël, Feliz Navidad
- French Guinea: Joyeux Noël
- Guinea: Joyeux Noël
- Guinea-bissau: Boas Festas
- Guyana: Merry Christmas
- Haiti: Jwaye Nwel
- Hindi: Shubh Christmas
- Honduras: Feliz Navidad!
- Hong Kong: Sing dan fiy loc, Merry Christmas
- India: Natal Mubarak
- Indonesia: Salamet Hari Natal
- Iraq: Idah Saidan Wasanah Jadidah
- Ireland: Nollaig Shona Dhuit
- Iceland: Gleðileg Jól
- Cayman: Merry Christmas
- Comore: Joyeux Noël, Milad Mubarak
- Cook: Merry Christmas, Kia orana e kia manuia rava i teia Kiritime
- Christmas Island: Merry Christmas
- Falkland islands (Malvinas): Merry Christmas
- Far Oer: Gledhilig jol
- Northern Mariana Islands: Filis Pasgua, Merry Christmas
- Marshall Islands: Monono ilo raaneoan Nejin
- Norfolk islands: Merry Christmas
- Pitcairn islands: Merry Christmas
- Svalbard e Jan Mayen: Hristos Razdajetsja, Gledelig Jul
- Turks e Caicos: Happy Christmas
- Virgin Islands (England): M.C.
- Virgin Islands (United States): M.C.
- Wallis e Fortuna: Joyeux Noël
- Israel: Mo’adim Lesimkha
- Italy: Buon Natale
- Kazakistan: Hristos Razdajetsja, Rozdjestvom Hristovim
- Kenya: M.C.
- Kirghizistan: Hristos Razdajetsja
- Kiribati: M.C.
- Kuwait: Milad Mubarak, Merry Christmas
- (Latino): Natale hilare et Annum Faustum!
- Lesotho: Happy Christmas
- Lettonia: Priecigus ziemassvetkus!
- Libano: Milad Majeed
- Liberia: Happy Christmas
- Libia: Milad Mubarak, Buon Natale, Happy Christmas
- Liechtenstein: Frohliche Weihnachten
- Lituania: Laimingu Kaledu
- Lussemburgo: Schéi Krëschtdeeg
- Macao: Boas Festas, Sing Dan Fiy Loc
- Macedonia: Streken Bozhik
- Madagascar: Joyeux Noël, Arahaba tratry ny Krismasy
- Malawi: Merry Christmas, Moni Wa Chikondwelero Cha X’mas
- Malesia: Selamat Hari Krimas Mali: Joyeux Noël
- Malta: Il-Milied it-Tajjeb, Festi t-Tajba
- Marocco: Milad Mubarak
- Martinica: Joyeux Noël
- Mauritius: Merry Christmas
- Mayotte: Krismas Njema Na Heri Za Mwaka Mpya, Joyeux Noël
- Messico: Feliz Navidad
- Micronesia: Merry Christmas
- Moldavia: Craciun fericit si un An Nou fericit!
- Monaco: Joyeux Noël
- Montserrat: Merry Christmas
- Mozambico: Boas Festas
- Namibia: Geseende Kersfees
- Nepal: krist Yesu Ko Shuva Janma Utsav Ko Upalaxhma Hardik Shuva
- Nicaragua: Feliz Navidad!
- Niger: Joyeux Noël
- Nigeria: Merry Christmas
- Norvegia: God Jul, Gledelig Jul
- New Caledonia: Joyeux Noël
- Papua N. Guinea: Bikpela hamamas blong dispela Krismas
- New Zealand: Happy Christmas
- Olanda: Prettige Kerstdagen, Zalig Kerstfeest, Vrolijk Kerstfeest en een Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
- Oman: Milad Mubarak
- Pakistan: Bara Din Mubarrak Ho
- Palau: M.C.
- Panama: Feliz Navidad! Papua
- Paraguay: Feliz Navidad!
- Perù: Feliz Navidad!
- Polinesia Francese: Joyeux Noël, La orai te Noera
- Polonia: Wesolych Swiat
- Porto Rico: Feliz Navidad, Felices Pascuas, Felicidades
- Portogallo: Boas Festas
- Qatar: Milad Mubarak
- Regno Unito: M.C., Happy Christmas, Nadolig Llawen
- Repubblica Ceca: Vesele Vanoce
- Rep. Centrafricana: Joyeux Noël
- Repubblica Dominicana: Feliz Navidad
- Reunion: Joyeux Noël
- Romania: Craciun Fericit, Sarbatori Fericite
- Ruanda: Noheli Nziza
- Russia: Hristos Razdajetsja, Rozdjestvom Hristovim
- Saint Kitts e Nevis: Happy Christmas
- Saint Lucia: Happy Christmas
- Saint Vincent e Grenadines: Happy Christmas
- Samoa Americane: – La Maunia Le Kilisimasi
- Samoa: La Maunia Le Kilisimasi Ma Le Tausaga Fou
- San Marino: Buon Natale Sao Tomè e Principe: Boas Festas
- Senegal: Joyeux Noël
- Serbia: Cestitamo Bozic
- Seychelles: Happy Christmas, Joyeux Noël
- Sierra Leone: Happy Christmas
- Singapore: Sheng Tan Kuai Loh, Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal, Happy Christmas
- Siria: Milad Mubarak
- Slovacchia: Vesele Vianoce
- Slovenia: Srecen Bozic
- Spagna: Feliz Navidad
- Sri Lanka: Subha nath thalak Vewa, Nathar Puthu Varuda Valthukkal
- St. Helena: Happy Christmas St. Pierre e Miquelon: Joyeux Noël
- Stati Uniti: M.C., Happy Holidays, Season’s Greetings
- Sud Africa: Geseënde Kersfees, Happy Christmas
- Sudan: Wilujeng Natal
- Suriname: Zalig Kersfeest, Wang swietie Kresnetie
- Svezia: God Jul
- Svizzera: Fröhlichi Wiehnacht, Joyeux Noël, Buon Natale
- Swaziland: Happy Christmas
- Taiwan: Kung His Hsin Nien bing Chu Shen Tan
- Tanzania: Krismas Njema Na Heri Za Mwaka Mpya, Happy Christmas
- Territori Britannici dell’Oceano Indiano: Happy Christmas
- Territori Francesi del Sud: Joyeux Noël
- Thailandia: M.C., Sawasdee Pee Mai
- Togo: Joyeux Noël
- Tokelau: M.C.
- Tonga: Kilisimasi Fiefia
- Trinidad e Tobago: Happy Christmas
- Tunisia: Milad Mubarak
- Ucraina: Veseloho Vam Rizdva
- Uganda: Webale Krismasi
- Ungheria: Boldog Karácsonyt
- Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho
- Uruguay: Feliz Navidad
- Vanuatu: M.C., Joyeux Noël
- Venezuela: Feliz Navidad
- Vietnam: Chuc Mung Giang Sinh (chúc mừng giáng sinh)
- Yemen: Milad Mubarak
- Zambia: Happy Christmas
- Zimbabwe: Happy Christmas
This was the list of all the ways to say Merry Christmas in all the world languages – or almost!
Did we get something wrong? How do you say Merry Christmas in your language and culture?
Let us know in the comments or our social media!