Teach German Online – a urgent volunteer position
Teach German online ( urgent volunteer position) – There are two rural girls admitted in our children hostel project at the ages of 6 years in 2002. After completion of their high school study, both girls got admission in the 5-year medical study (MBBS), now in their final year medicine. They wanted to study medical post-graduation in Germany. It is mandatory for any foreigner to go through German Language Proficiency Test before getting admission in any German medical university. As you know the German Language Proficiency is with various levels…A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2… To get a German VISA, it is mandatory to pass at least up to B1 level. Hence I approached you for your kind help to these two women.
What’s the mission of your community?
Shantidhara’s mission is to work with the rural and tribal underprivileged communities for their education, health and agriculture development with special emphasis on Women and children.
How many volunteers could you host?
Only one volunteer
When would you need volunteers?
Instant (As early as possible)
Note about the volunteer work and other expectations
There are two rural girls admitted to our children hostel project at the ages of 6 years in 2002. After completion of their high school study, both girls got admission in the 5-year medical study (MBBS), now in their final year medicine. They wanted to study medical post-graduation in Germany. It is mandatory for any foreigner to go through German Language Proficiency Test before getting admission in any German medical university. As you know the German Language Proficiency is with various levels…A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2… To get a German VISA, it is mandatory to pass at least up to B1 level. Hence we are approaching you for your kind consideration of our request to allot a volunteer to teach these women the German Language online.
It is convenient if the volunteer teaches them 1-2 hours and for every alternate day (3 days in a week) virtually online.
Will I be paid for teaching German?
Either Shantidhara or the target two women can not afford the fees hence request you to overlook the teaching charges.
Volunteers’ benefits:
After completion of the volunteering, Shantidhara will issue the certificate to the volunteer.
The district of Visakhapatnam of Andhra Pradesh state in Southern part of India – 17°47’7.14″N, 83°12’5.27″E
A.Maria Jojayya; President Shantidhara
Location: Andhra Pradesh; INDIA.
Phone: +91 9494401665
Hostname: A. Maria Jojayya
Host Email: shantidhara@gmail.com
Dear Sir or Madam,
my name is Malte Radecke and I’m a 24 year old guy from Germany. I nearly finished my mechanical engineering Diplom degree in Dresden and right now im abroad to do an ERASMUS semester in Rome, Italy. I started volunteering for the TAFEL Dresden e.V. back in Germany, but obviously and unfortunately I can’t do it at the moment. That’s why I watched out to for different opportunities and give something back to people out there in the world. I would love to give the girls the opportunity to practice their German and be a part of giving them the chance to do their post-graduation in Germany.
I have no experience in teaching German, but since it is my native language I’m sure I could handle it!
I hope this offer is still available and would appreciate an answer from you!
Best regards
Malte Radecke