Calls for international young people that want to volunteer in Italy
European Solidarity Corps projects in Italy 2020 โ Looking for new adventures? Here you can find a list of interesting ESC (European Solidarity Corps) calls!ย ย Discover these new volunteering projects in northern Italy for international young people. Click below and choose the volunteering field that suits you best!
General requirements:
You need to be aged between 18 and 30 years old and you should preferably be an EU citizen.
You don’t need any previous experience or training in order to become a volunteer and carry on your activities in Lavis. Just be curious, open-minded and highly motivated!
General Benefits:
- Food and accommodation.ย You will get free accommodation for the whole duration of your voluntary service.
- You will get a food allowance and will share some lunch and dinners in different communities.
For detailed info about requirements and benefits, click on the relative info pack links below.
Update – September 2020
The gloomy days are back… ๐ง๏ธ But no worries! Leave the summer behind and focus on your plans for this fall! ๐๐ You can join the EuropeanSolidarityCorps and come to northern Italy for a 12-month volunteering project in the towns of Trento, Bolzano & Lavis!
We still have 7 out of 11 calls open! What are you waiting for? Join our volunteers’ community!
1๏ธโฃ Social care for elderly & disabled people program
Volunteer for ASSB /BSB Spazio Famiglie Familienzentrum Firmian in the field of social care for elderly & disabled people: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteer-in-the-field-of-social-care-for-elderly-disabled-people
2๏ธโฃ Social & recreational activities for young people program
Volunteer for the municipality of Comune di Lavis in the field of social & recreational activities for young people: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteer-in-the-field-of-social-recreational-activites-for-young-people
3๏ธโฃSolidarity towards people suffering from addiction program
Volunteer for Centro Trentino di Solidarietร Onlus in the field of solidarity towards people suffering from addiction: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteer-in-the-field-of-solidarity-towards-people-suffering-from-addiction
4๏ธโฃActivities for young people & people at risk of social exclusion
Volunteering for Caritas in the field of organization & implementation of activities for young people & people at risk of social exclusion: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteering-in-the-field-of-organization-implementation-of-activities-for-young-people-people-at-risk-of-social-esclusion2
5๏ธโฃ Youth centre program
Volunteering in the field of recreational activities, communication & organization of events in the youth centre Centro Giovani Juvenes: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteering-in-the-field-of-recreational-activities-communication-organization-of-events-in-a-youth-center2
6๏ธโฃFamily service and childhood care program
Volunteering in a youth centre for Azienda Speciale Servizi Infanzia e Famiglia – G.B. Chimelli implementing activities for young people: https://www.incoweb.org/ita/Progetti/In-Italia/Volunteering-in-a-youth-center-implementing-activities-for-young-people2
7๏ธโฃ Education in a plurilingual school program
Volunteer in the field of education in a plurilingual school:
Update August 2020
1.Volunteer in the field of social care for elderly & disabled people
Volunteers will collaborate with the staff of nursing homes mainly with recreational and entertainment activities planned for the elderly. In particular, volunteers will be involved in the following activities
- organizing recreational activities for the elderly/handicapped people,
- talking to them,
- reading something,
- participating in some excursions of one or more days,
- making a different kind of purchases (e.g. food, medicine for the guests),
- support of the educators in the activities of assistance,
- care and rehabilitation,
- accompanying the elderly with walking difficulties,
- participating in the evaluation meetings
- and planning certain matters with the educators and social workers etc.
Interested? Go to the Application page:ย https://bit.ly/3gs6pzW (download info pack).
2.Volunteer in the field of social & recreational activities for young people:
The main role of the volunteers is to collaborate with the staff of the Municipality of Lavis, in particular with the Office of Youth Policies and the Youth Centre Lavis, supporting regular activities offered to young people, and suggesting new cultural and recreational initiatives.ย In particular the Office of youth policy:
- promotes and supports projects in favour of Youth and manages the Youth Centre (open to young people aged between 18 years and 25 years old – it receives about 10-15 young people per day) on Monday from 17:30 to 22:30, and from Tuesday to Friday from 14:00 to 19:00;
- collaborates in the development of project proposals within the “Piano Giovani” of Lavis and Zambana, whose town of Lavis is the leader (https://pianogiovanilaviszambana.wordpress.com/ );
- promotes summer initiatives for children and young people;
- collaborates in the activation, tutoring and supervision of Civil Service projects at the national and provincial level;
- collaborates with other offices and within the “Piani Giovani” (‘Lavis and Zambana’ and ‘Rotaliana’) in identifying environmental affordances to improve the promotion of the heritage of the territory.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/2DrzGfM (download info pack).
3.Volunteer in an innovative student residence in the field of communication, participation & organization:
You will take part in the design and implementation of the training activities, collaborating with our Staff and the guest students in a peer-to-peer learning logic and in collaboration with local institutions and organizations. You will work in an environment attentive to the educational dimension and innovation, rooted in the local community and where the guest students are also decision-makers. Moreover, You will have the opportunity to be involved in parallel activities together with other volunteers hosted in other receiving organizations coordinated by InCo.
The topic of the parallel activities will change according to the project (making games, organising events, exhibitions, etc.).
Looking at your personal aptitudes, the proposed activities will include:
- International Reception
- Community & participation
- Communication
- International Hub & International Network
- Marketing & Events
Interested in this project? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/30kOHsG (download info pack).
4.Volunteer in the field of solidarity towards people suffering from addiction:
The volunteers will be involved in the activities of Casa Lamar:
- Accompany the guests to have walks outside
- Organise “Cineforum” (movie time for the guests)
- Be involved in the activities of the house (cooking, gardening, housework, etc.)
- Organise recreational activities
- Organise parties, murder mystery dinner and other public events.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/2BcNNEY (download info pack).
5.Volunteer with the local community:
Volunteers will have the opportunity to be involved in the activities in the following areas/structures.
The youth centres in Bolzano and in Merano:
- support children and youngsters with their homework;
- collaborate with the educators in organizing and implementing recreational activities;
- support educators in helping youngster in implementing their own initiatives.
Office in Bolzano:
- support in communication activities: drafting and sending newsletters, updating Facebook and the website, updating the database of life- long learning courses, volunteers and partners;
- organizing awareness campaign about different issues such as ESC and more, in general, the Erasmus + programme.
Residential structures:
- collaborate with the educators in promoting free-time activities;
- collaborate with the educators in household issues (setting the table, collaborating with the organization of the house, etc…);
- accompany the boys/girls to different appointments, etc.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/2BTEha5 (download info pack).
6.Volunteer in the field of organization & implementation of activities for young people & people at risk of social exclusion:
The volunteers will work with Caritas Diocesi Bolzano-Bressanone, its partners and other partners working with young people and people at risk of social exclusion. The volunteers will be part of a team and they will participate in staff meetings and in meetings with other volunteers. Volunteers will be mainly involved in the office of the YoungCaritas but they will have the opportunity to collaborate with other services of the Caritas Bolzano. Main activities are the following:
- YoungCaritas:
- ย refugees:
- homeless people
- Services for people with AIDS
- disabled people
- Services for people with addiction
- Services for people with psychic problems
Volunteers will work 30-35 hours/week, from Monday to Friday. Sometimes the volunteer will be requested to work also during weekends. In any case, volunteers will not work more than 5 days/week and will always have 2 days off.
Interested? Go to the Application page:ย https://bit.ly/3i3MszX (download info pack).
7.Volunteering in the field of communication & interculturality:
- Office activities (communication and administration)
- Active participation in Youth exchanges:
- Support the staff during and after the project
- Promotion and information activities about international mobility (ESC, MTV, Au Pair, Youth exchanges etc): Info- days, International Mobility Fair, information sessions at schools
Interested? Go to the Application page:ย https://bit.ly/2BRmlN8ย ย (download info pack).
8.Volunteering in the field of recreational activities, communication & organization of events in a youth centre:
The volunteer will be involved in the daily activities of the youth center Juvenes. The volunteers’ tasks could be summarized:
Recreational and studying activities at the youth center
Communication activities and organization of events
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/3foyB5B (download info pack).
9.Volunteering in a youth centre implementing activities for young people:
The volunteer will be involved in the daily activities of ASIF Chimelli and in particular:
- The youth center #KAIROS.
- The youth offices
Volunteers will support the staff in the preparation of specific events to promote the different opportunities for youths. ASIF Chimelli is open to any proposal or suggestion made by the volunteer in regard to enriching the daily activities planned for guests. Once the volunteer has been assigned to the project, her/his activities will be planned more specifically according to the needs of the centre and to the wishes and the capacity of the volunteer.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/3kdT0hx (download info pack).
10.Volunteer in the field of education in a plurilingual school:
General activities volunteers will participate in:
- different tours, such as visits to museums, monuments and cities;
- realization of cultural and linguistic workshops;
- English and German lessons and interact in one of two languages to show the importance for students to learn a foreign language;
- involvement in coordination activities to promote continuity between kindergarten and primary school and between primary school and secondary school;
- communication and promotion activities: update the website of the school, prepare flyers for specific events;
- an Italian language course;
- participation in the InCo monitoring meetings.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/3hWc29Y (download info pack).
11.Volunteer in the field of children entertainment:
The volunteers’ tasks could be summarized as following:
- participation in the organization and implementation of games in the frame of the “Spielbus/Ludobus” and of the game centres (โSpielhaus/Centri Giochiโ);
- support in the organization and development of summer centres;
- organization and realization of workshops about their own country or about Europe;
- organization of intercultural activities together with the other volunteers;
- raising awareness about the youths’ right to play;
- participation in the team-meetings and in the monthly supervision with the other volunteers;
- promotion of new activities and projects connected with the voluntary service, for example, presentation of the EVS to young people of the territory.
Interested? Go to the Application page: https://bit.ly/3fvxXU4 (download info pack).
Requirements for participation:
Candidate should be over 18 years old and registered to the ESC portal;
Must be very motivated and committed to voluntary activity;
Interested in the topic of the project;
A minimum B1 level of English. Knowledge of the Italian language is a plus
Candidates who will fill a generic application form, with no details and without clear motivation will be not considered. Candidates who are applying only for the willing of travelling or just because would like to meet previous friends/boyfriend/girlfriend/relatives in Italy will not be considered. Please consider that is not allowed to have any other job activity during the project or to be beneficiary of any other European grant.
Organization website:ย http://www.incoweb.org
FB page: https://www.facebook.com/associazioneinco/
For any information write an email to info@incoweb.org
If you want to apply, send your CVย (in English or Italian)ย toย evs@incoweb.org and fill this Application Formย ย .
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