They surely have a Sense of Adventure. Marine and Edouard are a french couple travelling without money in South America and producing a travel documentary. Before reaching Colombia they hitched different sailing boats and travelled for 4 months to cross the Atlantic Ocean.
Once in Colombia, they started working on different documentary projects. In fact, they are creating a series of videos and blog articles to share their experience and show their daily routine during the South American adventure: the joys, the laughs and the happy times. But also the challenges, fears and struggles.
1 trip, 2 goals :
- Develop a collection of video testimonials to show that the world is full of inspiring people, regardless of their age, culture, gender, religion
- Share the realities of a trip with almost no money, from crossing the Atlantic on a sailboat, to the daily life of a hitchhiking adventure.
Watch this very inspiring interview about Yeison and Sandra, two voluntourists that Marine and Edouard met on the road:
A Sense of Adventure project
For the couple, it is essential to overcome fear-related barriers and be open to cultural differences.
If you also want to become a voluntourist, and travel the world for free, explore the volunteering opportunities featured on our free volunteer database.