From Argentina to the Artic Circle: living life to the fullest
Sebastian is a young traveller from Argentina. He studied for 7 years, then worked as a Mechanical Engineer for one and a half year. 4 years ago he decided to travel limitlessly. Learn how to travel without limits by reading his fascinating experience.
1) When did you decide to leave home for a long term journey?
Before this, I had a “normal life”: going to work Monday to Friday 9 to 17, then going to university till 21-22, after, 1-hour driving bus home hopefully not standing up, like in the mornings.
To be honest, I liked my job and study. I didn’t have a bad life!ย Sure, It was stressful, like in all big cities, but it was also interesting.
Then I went on holiday. By some recommendations of near people, I decided to go alone, and more in a backpacker style, like going to hostels, taking the cheapest transport. I went to the beautiful north-west mountains in the north of Argentina, and something changed.ย Two weeks turned into 3 weeks…
Sometimes in the fast life of the city and in the excess of distractions, you don’t have enough time to see if you are going to the direction you want in your life. So, in this journey, I finally had the time to put my mind a bit more connected to my heart. And I understood what I wanted.
2) How are you travelling around the world in a cheap way?
I would say that I travel in a “rich” way.
Because, thanks to travelling, I get whatever work I find, I hitchhike, I look for a place to sleep by asking locals. This makes me feel like I am rich in experiences, in learnings and emotions. I also feel more human, as I am closer to the people, and get a lot of friends. It is really awesome arriving at a place not knowing anyone, and leaving with the feeling of having a lot of new friends.
3) What is your nicest memory?
It is impossible to choose one. Anyways the best memories for me are always associated with people. As it is said, “the best place in the world is inside the hug of the one you love”.
4) Any negative experience?
Even bad or not-comfortable experiences we can transform them into something good. We just have to stay focused. don’t let them pull us down. And also, because of their contrast, they make the nice moments of the future more enjoyable.
For example, one of the mostย difficult moments for me is saying goodbye. But the feeling of missing is just a fair price for having lived unforgettable moments.
5) What is “Slow Travel” for you?
To name something “Slow” or “Fast” in an absolute way, we would have to define a pattern, to compare. Every person needs and looks for different things in their life.ย I think we should not tag, and travel at the speed our heart tells us. Everyone has their own way and has to look for their own style. The one that makes them feel better.
6) “The world is my home” what does this expression mean to you?
It means we are all “roommates”. And what is better than getting on well with the people we cohabit with? And what is better than taking care of our home altogether?
7) Do you think everyone could do what you’re doing?
Yes, for sure. We create what we believe.ย It is a cliche phrase, but it is true! Universe helps us when we’re seeking a dream, it gives us a way that dictates our heart. What I do is perfectly possible for anyone who decides to give it a try, and I recommend it. But everyone has their own way and their own style.
8) What message would you like to send to our readers?
Find your passions, doย what you love in life. And adapt it to travelling if you want to travel. Don’t conform yourself with a situation if it doesn’t make you happy, or if you feel, it is not for you. Time is the most precious thing we have! And there is a wonderful universe out there. Everywhere.
In people, we all seek for happiness and we empathize; so your happiness is also shared.
In life.
And in yourself, you can do it!
Sebastian adventures in a nutshell:
Initial point: Buenos Aires, Argentina
Now in Tallinn, Estonia
- Time of travel until today: 540 days
- Kms travelled: 55300 ( 7000 by sea, 4000 nautical miles)
- Countries/Regions:
Argentina, Chile, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Curaรงao, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Caribbean Sea, North Atlantic Ocean, Aรงores Islands, Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Andorra, France, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Czech Republic, Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Finland, Norway, Estonia
- The point reached further south: Penguin colony, Beagle Channel (something more south of Ushuaia, Argentina)
- Point further north: North Cape, Norway
Ways of travelling:
- Hitchhiking, boleia, carona, dedo.
- Boat-stop. Working as a crew (sailboats)
Transport highlights:
Police vehicle (Chile, Rusia), Crane (Curaรงao), Ambulance (Bolivia), Sailboat (Caribbean), Mobile home (Chile, France, Spain), Train (Portugal, Ukraine)
Maximum waiting time:ย 1 day (routes where 2, 3 vehicles passed per day)
Normal waiting time: 20 minutes
Remarkable Roads and Routes:
- Ruta Nacional 40, Argentina (all). Carretera Austral, Chile (90%).
- BR-319 Transamazonica, Brazil (all).
- The Caribbean Sea.
- The North Atlantic Ocean
Traversed World from south to north (Ushuaia, Argentina – North Cape, Norway)
- Total initial budget: 50 USD
- Times I felt limited to reach somewhere or do something because of money: 0
Occasional Jobs:
Poetry Reciter, Algae Fishing Assistant, Cleaning, Reception, Dishwasher, Photographer, Enumerator, Cook, Translator, Vendor, Sailor / Skipper (sailboats), Painter, English classes, Snow and Ice remover, Art Studio Reconditioning, Writer of Travel articles, Vendor in a Dolls shop and museum, Farming
Couchsurfing, houses of friends, free camping, firemen station, police, hospitals, a tanks factory, houses of people I met, exchange of work for lodging.
Learn. Share. Enjoy the way to the goal.
Spread the word about hospitality (a personal project in which I go to schools, media, communities)
Nature beauties:
- Eclipse of the sun (in Ushuaia), Eclipse of the red moon (Atlantic ocean), lot of shooting stars.
- More nature: Penguins of 3 classes, giant crabs, guanacos, llamas, a snake of more than 5 meters, families of dolphins, whales, turtles …
Something magic:
- Throw me into the water in the middle of the ocean.
- Spend the night in a little house lost in the middle of the puna.
- The Amazons
- Patagonia.
- Swim with turtles in the Caribbean.
- Living first time a cold winter with a lot of snow and -30 C.
- Going to Russian “Bania”.
- Swam in a river with -8 C.
- Spending a great easter’s day night in a Russian oil station.
- The affection of people, of all kinds, everywhere.
- Theft, kidnappings, aggressions in Venezuela: 0
- Theft, kidnapping, total aggressions: 0
- Friends and panas that I made along the way: Many
- Nights that I passed cold travelling without sleeping bag: 2 (avoidable)
- Sandals that I had to change in the journey: 2 (ones left in Chile, others in a Caribbean island)
- Ovnis, Abductions: I think 0 (there are drones in the Caribbean Sea ??)
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Dear Sebastian,
I am an Iranian woman who is interested in volunteering activities and travel around world, but there is some problems with getting a Visa for us in Iran. Almost for all people in Iran.
It seems you have many experiences in travelling, could I ask you how could I begin and make any progress? For example, which countries are the easiest to start and…
Unluckily, we still live in a world where very few people take decisions and all the rest suffer the consequences and “collateral effects”.
It is unfair, but it is easier to legally cross border controls having some passports than others, as u stated in the case of Iran.
Finally, everything is possible.
By easyness, you could start going to some countries where u do not need visa or is easier to get. Ej, i think Russian visa is easier than Schngen for Iran.
You can check this by nationality for a general view in pages like “Passport Index” or “Visa project” and officially in the embassy pages.
If I can help u with something more, don’t hesitate and send me message at my facebook or here).