Christmas Project Together with the children of Togo
Volunteer in Togo – We are looking for volunteers for the realization of the said project:
Project Name
To promote cross-cultural diversity, to have a thought for orphans, to put a smile on the faces of the latter at this moment of celebration which is Christmas.
Mission to do
the volunteers once in the country with the association will have a very detailed program to know: Games and Animations with children through skits, educational chat workshops, dance contests, catches dreams, and sharing gifts.
we will need active, motivated human resources. Toys, clothes, shoes, crayons…
Criterion of recruitment
To have a sense of love for his neighbour, to have the motivation, to be able to work with a team, to have a sense of humour, to have an open mind and be attentive, especially to be the age of 18 years and more.
ย Volunteer in Togo – For more information don’t hesitate to get in touch with the Project and Mission Manager President of the JADA-TOGO Association
Contact in France: – 0033 6 78 82 67 75
Email: jadatogoasso@gmail.com
Website www.laube.onlc.fr
JADA-TOGO’s mission is to contribute to the socio-economic and cultural well-being of grassroots populations with a view to sustainable development.
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