Old people volunteer? – “Go for it because no one of us knows when is the last day of our lives. We have to make sure that when the whole life flashes before our eyes, it’s worth watching”
The answers of the expert volunteers!
Nina, the wisher.
In reply to someone saying “it is possible”, Nina says: “Glad to hear it ’cause I’m no spring chicken myself but am keen to give voluntouring a go”.
Hannah, a young Voluntourist.
Hannah says: I’m 22 but I met older volunteers on my journeys (50ish).
Adrian: “the older the wiser”.
“We certainly do… we’re also wiser to recognizing exploitation :)”

Ilona’s philosophy: ‘never stop moving’
“Some years ago I wanted to travel to all your mentioned countries, but now my partner and I would like to head to Africa. However, there are no projects, only in South Africa and Sierra Leone…
Italy and France are beautiful countries, I lived in both of them and prefer Italy. And because Canada and N. Zealand are so far that was my reason to travel there too. […]
Go for it because no one of us knows when is the last day of our lives.
We have to make sure that when the whole life flashes before our eyes, it’s worth watching”.
Paul, host and Voluntourist
Paul Says: “I am 49, run a small forestry farm in the UK and am currently planning to go to Australia in January to train for a triathlon whilst Voluntouring! Next year I will go to France to volunteer too, as I am learning the language. I may cycle between farms in OZ. I used my campervan around France. I do not believe one has to stop, you are never too old, and I am just beginning!
Amiro, the host
Amiro says:ย “My oldest helper: a beautiful 79-year-old grandma!!!”
Amira, young but old
Amira feels that being thirties may already be an “old age” for voluntouring:
“I did voluntouring in my early thirties…”
Christiane, 54-year-old & long time voluntourist

Christiane says:
“I`m 54 and started voluntouring in 2012. And I will continue as long as possible! Voluntouring makes my life a little bit more special!”.
Our personal opinion: