What is shamanism? Who is a shaman and what does it mean to be a shaman today?
Is it witchcraft? Something supernatural? Superstition?
Shamanism is a set of knowledge conveyed by ancient techniques aimed at achieving the total well-being of the individual that is seen as a harmonious whole of perfection between body, mind and spirit and, at the same time, allows them to enter in contact with one’s divine Self, the spirits of the Worlds and the Cosmos.
Shamanism is the oldest form of spirituality in the world and consists in the study and practice of the principles and techniques of men and women, which relate their vital force with the spirit of every other being or thing, human, animal, vegetables, minerals or spiritual beings, of this world, of other worlds or other dimensions.
A methodology that puts the individual in deep connection with nature and with other levels of existence, and in doing so seeks to promote active, evolved cooperation and support among all forms of life, in a reciprocal attitude of self-development and growth, instead of manipulation, control and exploitation.
It has nothing to do with the so-called “supernatural”, because it is essentially a natural and holistic activity; recognizes everything as an energy system in itself, within a larger energy system; every small energy system is in turn connected to that of any other thing so that everything deserves the same kind of respect since each element has its role in the great cosmic scheme of things.
Shamanism is a way for the recovery of personal power, healing and wisdom.
Now that you have begun to understand what shamanism is, I am sure you are wondering, “And how do I achieve all this?”
The term shaman derives from an ancient language of the Siberian populations and identifies in many non-Western cultures those people who were previously defined as “sorcerers”, “medicine men”, “magicians”, “enchanters” and “seers”.
But I want you to notice an important difference: not every medicine man or sorcerer is a shaman. The shaman, who is also the curandero (the healer), is the man or woman capable of entering an altered state of consciousness to make contact with normally hidden realities to acquire knowledge, power and help himself and others. It bridges parallel realities, without ceasing to see the world in one form, it can also see it in another, and teach other people to do the same, thus building a higher and more complete form of seeing life.
Today a modern shaman must offer a new and wider form of knowledge that must lead to the recovery of integrity, an integrity that cannot exist in separation. When a being is separated from the forces of nature it also loses its natural contact with the source of energy and therefore, no longer able to feed on the cosmos, it becomes dependent and feeds on the energy of others through manipulation manoeuvres or becomes easy prey for darkness.
Shamanism is essentially the way of love for ourselves and for all creation: only through love can you achieve a high level of awareness and a definitive cure.
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