California volunteer projects
California volunteer projects – In this page you can find a list of volunteering opportunities in California
If you are visiting the USA and want to join one of the communities/organizations/farms listed below, you will receive food and accommodation in exchange for part-time volunteering help.
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California, with its famous beaches, the wild nature of the parks and the immense and full of life cities has always been the dream of many travellers. It is ideal to cross California by car far and wide with an exciting tour, visiting the central part of the coast, from San Francisco to San Diego and Los Angeles, and then head inland, to discover the desert with Death Valley National Park.
In addition to the symbolic places that everyone has imprinted in their memory forever, California offers many other unique experiences. Live your dream movie … with your eyes open!
Some relevant things to see in California
- The Northern California Coast: San Francisco
- From Monterey to Santa Barbara
- Los Angeles: the city of angels
- California’s national parks
- Death Valley
- Sequoia National Park