Dumpster diving
What is dumpster diving?
Dumpster Diving – It may seem strange and bizarre, but dumpster diving is a reality that is spreading everywhere around the world.
Basically, every day, supermarkets and other businesses throw perfectly good items and food into the bin. In the case of food, even if it expired, it could actually be still good food that has not been affected by mould or decay.
The legislation of most countries prohibits the donation of such food, which must regularly end up in the trash. Hence the emergence of dumpster diving, which means that individuals or groups organise themselves to “save food from the rubbish”.
This is where the term “freegan” comes from, meaning those who take food for free, from the dumpsters (it is mostly fruit and vegetables and baked goods but there are people who dumpster dive to find recycling materials).
rummaging through rubbish can be considered a criminal offence, as in private areas the bins are private and therefore it could also be considered “theft”. Furthermore, you can contract diseases due to germs and if you are not careful, you can get trapped in the bins and risk your life when the shredding trucks pick them up.
How to do Dumpster Diving – a mini guide
In order to dumpster dive you need to find out about the local policy on waste and dumpsters, whether they are private or not, whether it is considered theft or an invasion of privacy.
You need to be organised: make sure there is a clear field and that there are no obstacles between you and the dumpster, check closing times and when the trucks will be passing. Plan your dumpster diving in detail and make sure everyone has no problem with it: passers-by, dumpster owners if they are nearby or others.
Time for action
- Wear dark, dumpster diving clothes, a pair of boots and gloves to protect your hands.
- Carry a torch and watch out for sharp objects.
- If possible, do not go on these expeditions alone and make sure there is someone to ask for help or to watch your back.
- Clean up the packaging and the food you have found, check it and check the label carefully.
- Wash the products you have found and your clothes thoroughly. Beware of germs and bacteria!
don’t leave other rubbish lying around, clean up if you throw things on the ground and don’t take what you don’t want.
Of course, if the idea of rummaging through rubbish does not appeal you, refrain from “dumpster diving”.
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