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Volunteer at Hope Case Foundation, a non profit organization in Busia Uganda helping vulnerable Children and Women

Hope Case Foundation is a non-profit organization registered as a company limited and its mission is to enhance the quality of life of vulnerable Children and Women through advocacy and empowerment programs. The organization has volunteer exchanges in areas of informal and formal education, rural development, environment, charity work, project planning, Information Communication Technology, skills development, human rights, Agriculture and health.

What type of host are you? 🏑
What are you looking for help with?
What’s the mission of your community? 🎯

The mission is to enhance the quality of life of vulnerable children, Women and other marginalized groups of people in the community through advocacy and empowerment programs. We are looking for skilled volunteers to support the organization in the implementation of its activities so as to enhance the quality of life of the vulnerable children, Women and other marginalized groups of people in the community of Busia District, Eastern region of Uganda.

Volunteers’ age restrictions πŸ”ž

We can host volunteers of all ages (senior volunteers and minors are welcome) πŸ’ͺUnder 18 must get approval from their parents and preference will be given to those travelling with their parents or caregivers.

Volunteers with disabilities β™Ώβœ…

Volunteers with disabilities are welcome but they should let us know if they need anyΒ supportive devices that include reading materials, wheelchairs, hearing equipment and sign language interpreters.

How many volunteers could you host? 🎎

Up to 10 volunteers

When would you need volunteers? πŸ“…

All year long

How many hours of help per day? ⏱

4-5 hours of help per day

How many days of help per week? πŸŒ’

5 days per week – 2 days off

Are accommodation and food included? 🏠🍜

Yes, we offer food and accommodation

What type of accommodation can you provide? πŸ•
Diet – nutrition information πŸ₯—πŸ₯€

Rice, Fish, Green, Fruits that include mangoes, oranges, ova ado, Posho, Matooke ( cooked bananas), Tea, coffee and Milk. Yes, we can also accommodate vegetarians and vegans.

Fees transparency πŸ†“πŸ”

No, we do not charge any fees for food and accommodation.

VISA – could you provide Visa support/info/invitation letters? πŸ›‚

Yes, we can help with Visa/invitation letters βœ…

Volunteers’ benefits πŸ†πŸ…

All volunteers will be provided with certificates of participation at the end of volunteer placement, they will also be received at the airport on arrival and dropped at the airport on departure. All volunteers will participate in training workshops organized by the Foundation and its partners.

What to do in your free time πŸš΄πŸš£πŸ¦’

Go shopping, participate in sports activities, and visit beaches, lakes and mountains, forests, and cultural functions.

Language πŸ—£πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§


Geography 🌳

Busia District, Uganda located along the Kenya border. We have a warm climate with a green environment.

How to get to your site ✈ πŸ—Ί

Hope Case Foundation is located at Dabani Sub County along Busia to Majanji road in Busia District. Volunteers can get to Hope Case Foundation in Busia District by car (ask us for more information).

Is there internet access? 🌐


β€œPaying guests” Option. Could you accommodate β€œsolidarity” tourists? 🎎

Yes, we can accommodate tourists & paying guests πŸ‘Œ


Hope Case Foundation, Dabani Sub County, Busia District Uganda.
P.O.Box 364, Busia Uganda
Telephone: +256774900557.
WhatsApp: +256774900557
Contact person: James Ojiambo (Executive Director)

See more volunteering opportunities in Uganda πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¬

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