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Volunteer and change your life in Nakuru, Kenya

Raising hand, volunteer, volunteering, voluntouring, voluntourism, volunteer projects

“Le Cheilè Africa” organization is looking for volunteers…

or permanent membership. – Hey Everyone.  After my last trip to Ireland I resigned from my 8-6 work and started a small non profit with my partner in rural Nakuru area -Le Chèile Africa. Le Cheile Africa was launched on 25th Dec 2017. Our first projects are the Disability care program and a health clinic in the rural area.
The clinic will be opened in March this year (2018) and am looking for fellow women who are travelling to Kenya and would love to volunteer their time as medical assistant, nurse, physiotherapist, adminstration, yoga as it can be very beneficial for people with disabilities and work that any volunteer can do.

 If you are creative and are able to teach DIY skills like bag making, jewellery etc. that can help women generate some income.
Other opportunities
If you would also be part of this organization and help us impact a positive change in the world do get in touch with us. We will combine the volunteering with an opportunity to even see more of the country and experience the diverse cultures in the community we work in. Get in touch and let’s travel, inspire, create and change the world together as we develop meaningful and lasting friendships along the way. We are very small but growing. Karibu!

whatsapp  +254734721298 / +353838526310.
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