Volunteering in the midst of nature
Experiential travel in Sicily – If you’re planning a trip to Sicily, but you don’t want it to be the usual tourist trip, either because you don’t have a lot of money available, or because you would like to know more deeply the culture of the place, then read on, this could be the opportunity for you! In fact, on the beautiful island of Sicily, near Messina, the Ecological Park of the fort S. Jachiddu is looking for volunteers! This is a valuable space where they elaborate “ideas for a path of common growth” and offer the opportunity to live an “experiential journey”.
Click here to read the announcement in Italian and see more pictures of the organization
The association that takes care of the park is open to accommodate anyone who wants to live in a simpler way and in nature. The Friends of the Fort, this is the name of the organization, will provide by offering room and board in exchange for a helping hand on a voluntary basis.
Inside the park there is the fort Umbertino of 1890, belonging to a series of military fortifications built to defend the Strait of Messina.
The fort of San Jachiddu
The park covers 20 hectares, and inside there are gardens, hiking trails, animals such as poultry, chickens, geese and ducks and other special ecological attractions.
Geese and ducks
It also offers beautiful views of the strait.
View of the Stretto di Messina
What you can do for the park’s volunteer association
The friends of the fort are generally in need of half a day of volunteer help, five days a week. The tasks are:
- help in the gardens,
- cleaning the paths,
- gardening work,
- housekeeping,
- general maintenance.
The volunteer house is located within the park, along with a manager who will coordinate and assist volunteers with daily chores.
About us
The voluntary association “Amici del Fortino” is committed with its voluntary members to the care of the fort and the promotion of the Park. The S. Jachiddu Ecological Park is a precious space for the development of ideas for a common growth path, a lively place for aggregation and socialisation. It is always open to anyone who wants to live in a simpler way and in nature.
For more info: 3496180498 / 3207026232
parcoecologicosanjachiddu@gmail.com 📧
Facebook page of the association: https://www.facebook.com/fortesanjachidduparcoecologico/
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