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Volunteer and join an eco-community in the Hungarian acacia-forest

volunteer at an eco-community in Hungary, eco-village in Hungary, hippy farm, organic farm, free wwoof, live in an eco-village
Come Gather and Create

Volunteer at an eco-community in Hungary – Hello, people of Earth. 🙂 Hi to the cob-builders, tree-whisperers, planters of seed; Hi to the layer of bricks, the keeper of space and our pillars of peace… Aloha & I see you

Ever since we moved here, we knew we wouldn’t simply just be living our lovebubble together only. Many beautiful beings came to join, build, share laughter, tears, fears & dreams – expanding that bubble, we feel to have found & remembered what’s moving and brought us here. A beautiful circle of people forming a family of an ancient kind that’s too meaningful to be put into terms or boxes, so I won’t.

So 3 years ago, we woke up to this vision of The Village. Back then, filled yet vague, fragile, like a seed sprouting – now, rooting, weaving itself through everything we do. To me, planting trees & building villages seems to be the only sensible thing to do, at this time.

And so,

We’re reaching out to the motivated, the independent, the focused, the sexy (😏) – the ones willing to actually come to build, to make the vision physical, to start sculpturing The Village.

Keywords are
We’ll be building with materials such as:
How many volunteers?

We’re in need of 5, 6 people who are available for at least 2 (! must), preferably 3 months in July, August and September.
This may sound rude, but we need you – so if confirmed, we’ll count on your presence. Yes, we’re getting serious here!

* We can host no more than 6 people at once *

The Hospitality Exchange

You’ll be loved, fed & accommodated. There’s time for taking showers, too. Sometimes. We like it dirty 🙂

There’s time for talk & tickles (…), deepening & exchange – yet we feel the NEED to move forwards, aim our arrow, settle it deep down to Earth. So different from what others experienced our place to be, we’ll go go go and do do do to make things happen & come true.

As we’ll be building on the kitchen & greenhouse of our farm as well, independency and responsibility is a must. We’ll be around but wish for you to move on your own & together as well <3

Please be informed:


If you feel called and wish to receive more information,

please contact me (0036 305 48 88 59) or Jo (0036 302 15 48 40), or send an email to:

(Please no PM/Facebook/that sort of social ways as I receive too many messages and might miss yours)

We can’t wait to have you. LOVE

Click here for more life changing experiences

Read also the Eco-villages section

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