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Youth hostel in Bordeaux, France, is looking for voluntourists!

hostel, volunteer, hospitality, exchange, projects, opportunities, food and accommodation
Join a great international/french team and help us to keep our hostel a friendly place

Youth hostel France – Join a great international/french team and help us to keep our hostel a friendly and enjoyable place to stay! We know right now the situation is not easy but we want to start looking ahead and would love to hear from you!

📣Voluntour📣 at Hostel 20.

Explore and work in the beautiful wine region of France, in the centre of Bordeaux! Join a great international/french team of hostel workers and guests! If you’re missing the backpacker life and atmosphere, you’d be thrilled here!

🍷🇨🇵 🎒

The exchange – the deal is :

Write to us and  tell us about your self [see contact details below]


Hostel 20 Bordeaux is a small youth hostel located in Bordeaux centre, in the heart of the Chartrons district, a few steps from the Garonne river banks and the wine museum.
Ideal to meet the whole world around a “family” dinner, discover the city on foot or by bike, alone or with friends.


For the website disclaimer, click here.


Please follow local guidelines about physical distancing and staying home during COVID-19. Learn how to travel and host and/or be hosted responsibly. Always follow Local Health Guidelines. We suggest following the guidelines from the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control – ECDC. If you’re planning to meet up, host, or be hosted, check the local laws and the directives that may be in place during this time. Consider waiting for the COVID-19 emergency situation to be over before travelling again.


Youth hostel France email: –


Hostel Fb page:


This announcement was left by Romane Goujonon our FB group

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