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We are hiring bar staff in Queensland, Australia

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Hiring bar staff – we are looking for bar staff and general ALL rounders! Someone interested in the hospitality industry, RSA and RSG preferred.

Knowledge of TAB, KENO and Poker machines not required, training available. Accommodation option available for the right applicant!

Info about the hotel

Today the Halifax Hotel is a family-run hotel, which caters for all shapes, sizes and ages.

For the young at heart we have a kids playground, swimming pool, pool tables, arcade games and PlayStation consoles. And for the young at heart, but not necessarily in the body we have KENO, poker machines and the all-new “UBET” (TAB self-service) terminals.

The Halifax Hotel is situated only 9 kilometres off the Bruce Highway, just north of Ingham, on the way to the gorgeous beaches of Taylors Beach and Lucinda, and of course the gateway to the unspoilt Hinchinbrook Island.


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