Are you planning to teach and learn a foreign language?
Would you like to PARTICIPATE in a solidarity project? We are an association looking for volunteers to teach language in Morocco this summer. We offer you accommodation and food for free
“AMCDH” organize an International Volunteer Workcamp
From 1st July to 31st August 2018 in Salé Morocco we’re looking for volunteers from all over the world who are committed together on a project of general interest.
They would have 8 weeks divided into two periods
6 weeks Languages & 2 weeks Solidarity
During the international project, volunteers will live with people from the entire world!
They commit themselves not only to working on a project of collective utility, but also to meet, discover and especially share an experience in an international group spirit. The language used by the international yard is different, but our projects are in four basic languages: English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. Contact with local people opens volunteers to learn other languages “Arabic dialect darija”. The international volunteers break down the language and different cultures, inviting the volunteer to gain ease in an intercultural and obviously international situation.
What better way to learn a language than to be directly immersed in a foreign country to practice with natives?
“Learning a foreign language in an international volunteer workcamp”
Keep in mind that international volunteering is not a language course offering supervised grammar classes. It is especially a unique opportunity to practice languages with others who are present on the project and the locals in an authentic way.
In this Project of international volunteering, you will be put in a situation of immersion: you will have to communicate regularly in a foreign language. This recognized method will allow you to progress significantly, so we also offer volunteer Arabic language courses (Darija) to better communicate with the inhabitants of Morocco.
- 2. Solidarity work:
We will all go to Er-Rachidia to give a solidarity project in a small village in the middle of the Desert. We have a team of the association who will guide you to there and which facilitates all the tasks during the workouts.
The price of staying (free!)
As a general rule, the asking price has been for free for 8 weeks. Moreover, by choosing the associative sector, the profits generated will be used to support the project of the local association. It’s about taking care of everything that is:
- Housing or host family (for volunteers)
- Food (3 meals for each volunteer)
The work requires no special skill, just motivation, and the facilitators decide with the group a work schedule, (this is not a commitment: the important thing is the achievement of the goal set at the beginning of the construction site until the end of the project).
There will be many pleasure times, visits and trips and group living are also organized by the animators and why not also volunteers.
If I accept you then you receive an email confirmation that you continue the steps with one of our site managers, and send us an email that validates your coming. Please you have you confirm your interest before 15th JUIN 2018 because the places are limited.
We have 3 places for the Project, and in every place we need 6 volunteers
The association is responsible for:
- School supplies
- Materials for the activities.
Who will pay the flight costs?
It is the volunteers who take care of their personal expenses of the flight; one does not have any partnership with unions which helps us to be supported with expenses of displacement.
What expenses are covered by the Association (AMCDH)?
- Accommodation is subject to all conditions of rest throughout and during both periods of the Project: Wi-Fi, Refrigerator, and TV…
- Prepare the three Food of the day taking into account meals for vegetarians.
- Transport costs of activities to visit tourist regions and monuments, museums…during two days per week.
What expenses are covered by volunteers?
Travel expenses for tourist cities: The volunteers also take care of their accommodation and food during the trip that takes place every weekend during the 6 weeks of the first period of the project, the association.
Do not forget that Amcdh is NOT a language school, we are a non-profit organization, and we do not organize linguistic stays, but international volunteering. You must be motivated for everything by the project. “Do not wait, go! And send your resume “and welcome to all volunteers” Any advice to give? Do not wait, go! “
International shipyard projects are always useful and respond to social needs, but they do not put the participants or the local community at risk.
Financial aspect and Help
All information on the financial aspect of your registration where the membership funds and registration fees are going to be available to you from the first day of your arrival.
Suspension of activities
At the end of your participation in our international project, by animating or participating you will have a certificate of participation issued by our management of the association! Subject to the agreement of our site managers who will enhance your certificate of completion.
Many skills can be valued through these experiences: foreign languages, intercultural relations and management, budget management, fundraising, event organization, animation, masonry, construction, partnership development and many more!
If you mark on the program, we have a week off from August 19 to August 24 and it’s a week of a religious and sacred holiday for Muslims, so you have a great chance to live with us these moments of joy and family solidarity, not only Eid Al Adha is a religious ritual but it is also an opportunity to strengthen family ties and reinvigorate the ancestral traditions that are characteristic of the Moroccan stamp.
Commemorating faith and mercy, Eid Al Adha remains unquestionably one of the most important rituals of Islam. Celebrated on the tenth day of the lunar month of Dou Al-Hijja, it marks the submission of the prophet Ibrahim to God, who asked him to sacrifice his son, Ismail, to prove his faith. While Ibrahim was preparing to execute the divine order, the angel Jibril stopped his gesture and replaced Ismail with a ram, which was slain in the place of the young man. The prophet’s faith, put to the test, was rewarded by the Almighty. The important significance of this religious ritual also comes from the fact that it marks the closing of Hajj, the fifth pillar of Islam.
In Morocco, many traditions accompany this religious holiday, the most significant being the sacrifice of a sheep, at least one year old. Following the Eid prayer, the custom commands the head of the family to slaughter the ram using a sharp knife to alleviate his suffering. In addition to sacrifice, this holiday is an opportunity for Moroccan families to strengthen the bonds that unite them, exchanging visits and gathering around the same table to share delicious traditional dishes and dishes.
How can you apply for this project?
“From 1th July to 31th August 2018 in Salé in Morocco”
Use the contact details (below) to receive the volunteer application form. The inscription is for free please you have you confirm your interest before 25th June 2018 because the places are limited
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