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What is ESC – European Solidarity Corps, and how does it work?

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What is the European Solidarity Corps and how does it work? – The European Solidarity Corps is the new initiative of the European Union that offers young people aged 18 to 30 years of work or volunteering opportunities up to twelve months on the territory of the Member States of the European Union, as part of projects designed to help communities or populations in Europe.

What is ESC?

The European Solidarity Corps usually offers volunteers the opportunity to engage in the following areas:

All young people who join the European Solidarity Corps accept and share its mission and principles.


Who is it for?

Young people who are 18 to 30 years old and who are resident in Europe or other partner-countries

How long does it last?

Between 2 and 12 months.

Where can I go?

In all European Union countries.

Requirements to participate

In general, a good command of the English language (or the language of the host country) can come in handy. Some projects may require special skills.

What do I get? – BENEFITS

The following expenses are usually covered thanks to EU funding:

Some benefits may differ depending on the association/organization possibilities.


How to participate?

To participate or get an idea of ​​the existing projects, you must register on the ESC portal:

After completing a simple registration procedure, as a participant in the European Solidarity Corps, you can be selected and invited to join a wide range of projects, connected, for example, to:

In general, we recommend that you prepare a CV and a motivation letter (both in English or any other language) that may be required at a later stage of the selection and be ready to take an interview in language, also via Skype.


Please note that European Solidarity Corps projects are only open to people aged between 17 – 30. In addition, only those people who live in specific countries may participate. If you are not legally resident in the EU or one of the programme / partner countries listed below, you will not be eligible for the majority of projects which may be posted in this group.

Programme Countries

28 EU Members (incl. UK until 31.12.2020), N. Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey, Liechtenstein, Iceland and Norway

Partner Countries

Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine,
Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Palestine, Syria, Tunisia, Russian Federation

Special Case

Switzerland (Swiss residents “may” be funded by the Swiss government)



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