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Galicia Walking Festival 2020

Festival,, voluntourism, event,
Crossing magic trails

Dear Walkers, After this break motivated by COVID-19, we return to work with our minds set on the Galicia Walking Festival in 2021. We send you this information hoping that it will be of interest to your readers. Galicia Walking Festival is the hiker’s celebration that will be held from May 1st to 29th, 2021 in Galicia (Spain). Guided by a team of local people, we have created 4 hiking programs for a full week in 4 different destinations, to which we add complementary activities so you can enjoy this wonderful land like never before.


this is not a volunteering project, but the promotion of an event for walking lovers!

What’s in it for me?

Each program focused on a region to savour Galicia in a comfortable way, without haste and as authentic as possible.

It is always a good time to walk through Galicia but…
… this May will be MAGICAL ……


Program 1: O Courel (May 01-08, 2021)

Courel Mountains, recently named Geopark by UNESCO, is one of the best-kept secrets of Galicia and travel through time.

Program 2: Ribeira Sacra (May 08-15, 2021)

Candidate for World Heritage is crossed by the Miño and Sil rivers, which model a spectacular landscape.

Program 3: Rías Baixas (May 15-22, 2021)

Extraordinary maritime landscapes, ancient history and a high-quality cuisine based on fish and seafood.

Program 4: Camiño dos Faros (May 22-29, 2021)

The Lighthouse Way is a 200-km trail along the coastline. A route that runs by all the Lighthouses in A Costa da Morte (Death Coast).

Make your reservation

What is included?
What is not included?


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