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Volunteer and Humanitarian Aid Youth Camp in Qatar – Fully funded

European solidarity corps, Italy, EVS, ESC, erasmus, exchange, cultural exchange, youth, projects, abroad, pocket money, food and accommodation, px, pex, pix, woman, girl, volunteer, voluntouring

️In celebration of Doha as the OIC Youth Capital 2019, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), in partnership with the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the State of Qatar, Qatar Red Crescent, Youth Media Center, and Qatar Cultural and Heritage Events Center, will organize the “Doha Volunteering and Humanitarian Aid Youth Camp”. For more information see the contact details section below.


Oct 28-Nov 6, 2019


Doha, Qatar


28 September 2019


Only selected participants will be informed

More information about APYS

Asia Pacific Youth Service is aimed to preserve the need of the millennium youth toward global phenomena by providing information related to internship, fellowships, conferences, social projects, and competitions.

Hopefully, by providing such kinds of information we could help to increase their ability to perform on tackling the global issues and challenges.

The human being represents a fundamental value in the code of Islamic ethics, and young people work to consolidate this value through giving, sharing, and caring. Societies are constructed upon cooperation among their members regardless of their status, because society is like one body, when one of the limbs suffers, the whole body responds to it with sleeplessness and fever. Young people represent a shield for this societal body, as Youth is the power of the nation.

In this context, the Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), an international organization affiliated to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), invites the youth of Muslim countries to register for Doha Youth Camp for Voluntary and Humanitarian Work, in cooperation with Qatar Red Crescent in Doha (from October 28th to November 6th, 2019), as part of the activities of “Doha, Capital of Islamic Youth for 2019”, which represents an opportunity for young Muslims to exchange experiences and expertise in the field of volunteering and humanitarian work.

Objectives of the event:
Program Details:

The event will be a simulation of real and realistic experiences of the situation of refugees and the victims of natural disasters and wars. Throughout the camp period, participants will live in tents similar to the refugee camps.


10 days.


The camp will be held from October 28th to November 6th 2019 (The arrival of participants is scheduled one day before the start and departure one day after).

Participation Regulations:
A- General Conditions:
B- Selection criteria:

The Curriculum Vitae sent by the candidate will be evaluated by the selection team according to the following criteria:

C- Registration and participation mechanism:

The application form must be sent at least one month before the date of the event, due to September 28th, 2019.

Curriculum Vitae and required information shall be attached through the electronic link on the website of Doha, Capital of Islamic Youth for 2019:
Selected participants will receive a confirmation of participation in the training through their email as indicated in the application form.

Travel and Accommodation Expenses:

The host country will cover travel expenses to and from the participant’s country of residence as well as accommodation, meals, and internal transportation.

Registration deadline:

From July 20th to September 28th, 2019

Evaluation Criteria:



For any enquiry, please contact us through:


Hotline: 0097450054204 or 0097450057678

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