Why do roses not grow in Dubai?
Many factors influence the state and characteristics of growing roses:
- plants belonging to a specific rose group, pest and disease resistance, soil and climatic characteristics, plant age, and so on.
The key factor influencing plant growth and development is the effect of the area’s climatic conditions and the care they receive. As a result, evaluation of the peculiarities of UAE’s climatic and geographical zoning needs the provision of recommendations for growing roses in various locations of the country.
These locations are in the desert zone. The zone has a super dry climate. The average temperature in July is above +35°C. The average annual rainfall is as low as the Sahara desert. Soils have no variety in there, and roses thrive and develop effectively due to enough moisture in the air and soil, but they require dependable frost protection in the winter, because in certain years, practically all exposed shoots freeze, even in wild rose hips. As we know, deserts tend to experience huge temperature drops at night. For example, standard, tea-hybrid, and twining roses of English provenance, in particular, require agro-fibre tying and earth covering.
Pruning roses are best to be done in the spring, after the period of low night sub-zero temperatures has ended, to avoid double effort and to prevent moisture extraction from the shoots during temperature drops. Roses require the timely application of mineral and organic fertilizers after a cold period of their breeding when the bushes’ development is at its peak. Preventive interventions against fungal illnesses must also be implemented in a timely manner, which is to be considered an integral part of rose breeding.
Roses in the regions of the rainfall season reach the maximum sizes specified in the varietal characteristics. Thus, the diameter of the blossom of the Gloria Day variety is 2-3 times that of the same variety growing in the hot parts of the world. Thus, all rose groups can be grown and will look fantastic if the plants are pruned on a regular basis to prevent the thickening of the bushes and to create a stylish crown shape. Fungal infections are the primary threat to these plants in damp environments. As a result, bushes must be treated prophylactically in order to avoid numerous fungal diseases during the growing season that is practically constant in such warm conditions. Plants should also be fed on organic fertilizers, which is an inevitable part of breeding plants, to optimize their development, taking into account the chemical makeup of the soil.
Written by Daniel Aldrin
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