Thanks for contacting us! We will be in touch with you shortly.
In order to be approved, the Volunteering opportunity you offer must meet our Philosophy.
We may ask a registration fee based on the answers you provided and on your volunteering opportunity offer.
While waiting for us to get back to you, consider becoming a partner
Volontouring is all about hosts and their visitors sharing their culture, experiences and skills.
The hosts who are part of our community always provide a welcoming atmosphere for their guests.
Hosts who request help with their business in exchange for accommodation must also pay their guests at least the minimum wage in their country for the hours they work. Business Hosts can ask their guests to pay for their own food and expenses, but we do recommend sharing meals – it’s a great way to enjoy one another’s culture!
We truly appreciate your interest and should you have any questions, feel free to write to us at
Announcement Approvals team –